70. Rest, Study, Expelled...

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It was the evening of July the third as Y/n crossed over a threshold and entered into the Granger household. He stood in the hallway as he marvelled in the difference between a muggle household and a wizards. It was much smaller than his own home or Hogwarts but Y/n didn't mind this. The walls in the hall were painted either a neutral grey or white but Y/n noticed lots of stationary pictures of the family and pieces of art that reminded him of Dean's poster back in the Hogwarts dorms.

As he and Hermione pulled their trunks inside Hermione's parents shut the front door behind them. Crookshanks let out a grump meow signalling he wanted to be let out recognising his surroundings.

"I'm going to let Crookshanks out Y/n so you can let Noctis out." Hermione told him.

"Is that alright?" Y/n asked waiting to hear so from one of Hermione's parents.

"Of course dear, we wouldn't make you keep the poor thing in a cage all summer. No she and Crookshanks need to wander freely." Hermione's mother said now and both Crookshanks and Noctis were let out to roam freely.

"Right." Hermione's dad said getting their attention. "Why don't I show you the room you will be staying in Y/n and you can unpack." He offered.

"That would be most appreciated sir." Y/n said gratefully and he took hold of the handle of his trunk and Hermione's dad began to lead him up the stairs.

"He has such good manners Hermione." Her mother said impressed. "Why don't you go up and unpack as well then when you are both finished we can begin to order dinner."

Y/n was on the second floor now as he could see several doors and Hermione's dad could see he was curious.

"Okay, The one at the far end of the hall is the bathroom. You're lucky as we've just had a lovely shower installed." Mr Granger began to say then he pointed to the nearest door. "This is mine and Mrs Granger's room so no need to go in there." He pointed to a door further along from their room. "This is Hermione's room, remember it's off limits at night..."

"Yes sir." Y/n nodded.

Mr Granger then guided Y/n to a door opposite Hermione's own. "And here is where you will staying." He opened the door to reveal a fair-sized room with a small bed, a wardrobe, a desk and some drawers. "I'm afraid it's not much seeing as it's a guest room but we hope you will be comfortable."

"I am sure I will sir, Thank you once again for allowing me to stay in your home this summer." Y/n said gratefully.

They could hear Hermione's trunk on the stairs now but before Mr Granger had a chance to move Y/n was already at the top of the stairs helping pull Hermione's trunk up for her.

"Thank you." Hermione smiled at him.

Mr Granger crossed his arms as one of the corners of his mouth went up in a smile watching the two.

A short while later Y/n had finished unpacking and came back downstairs to step into the living room, He could see it was large, Hermione's parents were both sitting down on a grey sofa. Two armchairs stood nearby it and towards the end of the room, there was a large dining room table with a chandelier above it.

"Settled in Y/n?" Mrs Granger asked him as she noticed him standing in the doorway.

"Yes quite nicely thank you Mrs Granger." Y/n told her.

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