Copy and Pasting...

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Alright, this has been an issue of mine for awhile now, but now it's starting to get a bit out of hand. Now, it's been coming to my attention that some of you are copying and pasting my stories and calling them your own. I've spoken with a few of you about this matter and I won't name anyone, but you know who you are. And what I mean by that is all of the original content that I add, meaning original character interactions, original dialogue, character plots and etc that is original to me and not the original story or other original content of the original story.

I understand that you all enjoy my stories and what to take inspiration from them, but that doesn't mean copying everything, switching the names out and just saying it's yours. If some were to come to your story before mine, then they will think I'm the one copying and pasting your story. And this has happened before and caused a lot of unnecessary drama which most people know I'm not a fan of.

Taking pieces of my stories and changing them up to be original to is fine, but just copying everything word for word is not. And again, I'm talking about my original additions, not anything already from the base show.

If you still for whatever reason feel the need to copy and paste my stories at her very least you can do is credit me, so people know I'm the original creator.

If this continues, I'll have to punish everyone, because of a few, meaning I'll take down all of my stories, so you'll have nothing to copy. I know some may think it's a bit extra and extreme, but it's the best way to get people to listen, because they're not just ruining it for themselves, but for everyone else. So for those who are doing it, I'm asking you to either stop or give me credit in your first chapter or description. If not, you'll be ruining it for not only yourself, but for everyone.

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