Update/Authors Note

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How are you all? I hope your good!

I am aware that it has been literal years since there was any kind of update with this book or anything. All I can say is that I'm sorry for that, but I hit a complete wall with writing a few years ago and just have not been able to get back into it!

I am also aware that I removed it for a while. I apolise for that as well, however, I wrote this book when I was 13-17, and reading back over it now I can see how cringey it is and how much work it actually needs. There are some parts where my writing style matures more so towards the end but for the most part it is just really awkward and some parts are so strange that I am thinking about toally removing it.

As you can tell by this I have grown up a lot, I am now 22 and in College. While I dont have the same problems I did when I started this book, I still have problems and this book was a way for me to vent those feelings freely without fear of judgement. I wont go indepth about what is going on in my life, but lets just say, these last few years have been a whirlwind of emotions, both good and bad. Im still trying to figure out the best way to cope with things, but writing is no long my escape.

I do still love Violetta and Tini, Martina Stoessel will always be my true love, so I may continue this book, fix it and end the book within a few chapters but you need to bare with me while I do so because this needs A LOT of work to make it better and the story line needs a major fix, it jumps around so much and it is just so confusing. I am not even sure where the story was even supposed to go. It needs to be realigned with the Violetta story line somewhat and some time gaps need filled in order for it to make sense.

So if there is still interest then I will fix it and re-upload chapter by chapter. But if there is no interest then I simply will delet it. Leave a comment on this chapter if you want it fixed or if you think it is best to just leave it.

If you are interested in me as an author then you should check out the other books on my page as I promise they are a bit more to my level.

I will however, warn you that "The Unknown; is it worth knowing?" does have trigger warnings across the book because of the nature of the story.

As I said before, if there is anyone out there that still wants to read this then I will do my best to fix what I have and end it off properly. But if I get no interaction with this update then I will simply remove the book from wattpad completely and call it a day!

Lots of Love
Tara xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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