the birth

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(leon and violetta are at the hospital)

Leon: help help my wife has gone into labour

nurse: quick in here ( pointing to a room marked dilevery room)

Vilu: aghhhhhhhhh leonnnnnnn help me

Leon: dont worry babe it will all be over soon ( carries her into the closest room)

doc:( rushes in) how far along is she ( lifting up her skirt to check) i can see a head

Vilu: ahhhhh really

Leon: yes but you have to push

doc:yes he is right push

Vilu: i cant aghhhhhhhhh

Leon: you can and you will have to ( grabbing vilus hand) squeeze my hand if you have taghhhhhhhh

Vilu: im so sorry aghhh its coming

doc: push ( picks up the first baby) congratulations on you baby girl

Vilu: thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu aghhhhhhhhhh its coming again

doc:(handing leon the baby) ok again sush as hard as you can

Leon: come on vilu you can do this

Vilu: really you wanna take over

doc: i see the shoulders jus one more big push

vilu: aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is it

doc: congratulations on you other baby ( handing the baby to violetta)

Vilu: thank you ( herman busts through the door followed by angie, fran,cami and fede)

herman: hi my love how are you

Vilu: im fine

Fran: what are their names

Leon: well this is (looks and violetta) maria

vilu:(sleepily) and this is alexjandra. im gonna take a nap feel free o lift the girls

Leon: take as long as you need my love because you just made my life complete

Vilu: hey i thought you said when you married me your life was complete

Leon: it was its just........ a never mind just get some sleep

Vilu:ooo kay ( yawning then laying her head on leons chest as he sat next to her) night everyoneeeee

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