Accepted To Stay

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Where we left off at:

"Xander walked away again and Amira started to fall asleep. "


"Amira slept for a few hours before Xander woke her up."

Xander: Wake up. You have been sleeping for a bit too much.

Amira: Seriously? You wake me up just because I slept for too much?

Xander: Yea, What's so wrong with that? I also wanna know your decision. 

Amira: Oh my decision if I wanted to stay? I haven't decided yet.

Xander: Then I'll wait a bit longer I guess.

Amira: Yea, Don't be impatient. 

Xander: I won't. Now since I'm bored wanna just see the beautiful parts of the cave? Just in case It changes your mind.

Amira: I mean, If you say it's pretty beautiful like you say I'll probably actually stay.

Xander: Trust me, It's beautiful.

Amira: Alright, Show me.

Xander: Follow me.

"Xander and Amira started to walk together. They go to a tiny pond that is sparkling."

Amira: Wow..Do people go here just because of the beauty in here?

Xander: No actually. They normally explore into the caves to find the crystals like you did.

Amira: Ah okay. I mean I did want the crystals to keep some and sell some. But I guess people get too greedy huh?

Xander: Indeed.

"Xander and Amira walked more into the cave. There were pretty crystals everywhere."

Amira: Oh my. This is really beautiful. You weren't lying at all.

Xander: Why would I lie in these caves? I know everything in here and what happens here.

Amira: I made my decision..I wanna stay.

Xander: Great choice! Though we will need to wait for a new human then. You can watch me torture them and also watch me do sex with them but that's your choice. But I will indeed do sex with you still when I feel like it.

Amira: Huh. Okay then.

Note: Ima end this part here guys. I've been running out of ideas and focusing on something new especially on my current book I am making. Ask in the comments on my profile if you would like the discord link to the server.

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