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New York

Gratuity was flying Slushious as they were almost out of New York.

Geleel was in the passenger seat trying his absolute hardest not to scream and or rip his hair out.

Why you may ask? Well that would be thanks to Oh, who was using a lottery ticket dispenser that he had installed into the car.

"Ooo! Aww!" He constantly exclaimed whenever he didn't win.

"What is my life?" Geleel questioned himself as Oh continued.

"Seriously?" Gratuity shouted, which fortunately got Oh to stop as Geleel mentally thanked her.

"You guys ruined the statue of liberty?" She shouted once more as she directed their attention to a statue of the boov leader, Smek, that was based on lady Liberty.

Geleel stared at it in horror, this was criminal.

"Statue of Smek." Oh corrected her.

"You guys are not getting away with this!" She shouted.

Before the conversation could continue Oh exclaimed and ducked.

"Boov patrol! They are looking for you!" He shouted as their attention was alerted to boov patrol, who were in fact flying towards them.

"Oh no." Gratuity said urgently.

"There Tip!" Geleel shouted as he pointed at the statue of Smek's underarm.

Gratuity swiftly maneuvered Slushious to park there as they were luckily out of sight from boov patrol who obliviously flew pass them.

When the coast was clear they quickly flew off.

"That was close." Geleel said as they all let out breaths they didn't realize they were holding.

A bit later on they were still flying through the air, far from New York now.

Geleel had decided to fly since Gratuity had needed a chance to stretch her limbs.

"Thanks for taking over Cap." She thanked him as she touched his arm.

Geleel didn't look her in the eyes, he didn't want to show her how warm that made him feel.

"Your welcome Tip." He replied with a chuckle.

"Ima get some sleep." Gratuity said as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Oh was in the backseat playing with Pig.

He suddenly gasped as he noticed bubbles falling through the sky, but inside those bubbles were wanted symbols of him.

The boov turned as he noticed Geleel saw the bubbles as well and was trying to see what was inside of them.

"What is that stuff?" He questioned himself.

Geleel was brought of his thoughts when a glare attacked his eyes.

"Hey!" He shouted as he looked back to see Oh impairing his vision with a mirror.

"What did I say about messin with the driver man." Geleel said as he pushed Oh back, eliciting a yelp from the boov.

Oh then sighed in relief as he realized Geleel luckily hadn't seen the bubbles and they were far away from them.

Later on they all found themselves turned upside down.

They had Slushious hovering upside down under a gas station due to boov patrol flying ahead.

The skies needed to be clear before they could land.

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