Enemy of my Enemy

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Brooklyn, New York

About two weeks has passed since...they invaded.

They called themselves, the Boov, they were weird looking to say the least.

They had short stumpy buddies, and abnormal octopi-like tentacles as feet, their ears had to be the weirdest part though, they had no business moving like that.

The one thing they had however, was very advanced technology, which Geleel was trying to avoid being detected by as he moved stealthily through the streets.

"Gotta be careful, if they catch me it's over." He said to himself as he tightened the straps to his black hoodie.

Geleel wasn't even supposed to be out here right now, Gratuity told him that they shouldn't go out alone, but he knew they needed water, and he didn't want to wake her up for something he felt he could do on his own.

"Sorry Tip...but I got this, yea, I got this." He said in attempt to steel his nerves.

He then turned into an alley, one thing he knew was whatever was useful to humans was evidently useless to the Boov.

So they would either disregard the "useless" stuff or put them in the air with some sort of levitation device.

As Geleel searched the alley for a bottle of water or even a pack he made sure to make the least noise as possible.

His eyes scanned the area as he noticed a blue wrapper, he quickly ran over to it.

"Yes!" He exclaimed quietly, it was a pack of water, there were only nine bottles left but, it was better than nothing.

Geleel took his backpack off as he opened it and put the bottles of water in it.

He zipped the bag up as he got up and prepared to leave.

"We must doos one last patrols so we can make sure this sector is rid of all humans." Geleel jumped slightly as he heard the voice.

He knew it was a boov, they had the weirdest way of speaking English to him.

They were coming right towards him, but luckily Geleel was prepared.

The boovs stopped for a second to discuss something.

He brandished a bottle of vegetable oil as he squirted some on the ground.

After that he proceeded to roll a couple marbles out as well.

Geleel then picked up an empty can as he threw it at a wall.

The loud bang drew the attention of the boovs.

"What is that being?" One of them questioned.

"Only ones ways to find out." They said as they walked forward slowly.

Geleel smirked as they neared the trap.

"I don't sees anyt-woahhh!" They both exclaimed as they started slipping and sliding all over the place as they were sent flying into the trash.

Geleel got up as he cackled at their predicament.

He then remembered that he was still out in the open as he ran back to the apartment.

"That was too funny...I hope Tip's still asleep." He said to himself as he ran.


Unfortunately Geleel's prayers weren't answered, because Gratuity was wide awake, and she was certainly irate when she woke up to realize he was gone.

She'd scold him for it as soon as he walked through that door, and if he didn't come back within the next five minutes, she was definitely going to go out and look for him.

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