OH! That Awkward Tension

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This update is way overdue!!!xx I can't believe all the lovely comments I've gotten on this story!! thank you!!!!

Jac's POV

"LOUIS STOP DROWNING ZAYN!" I said sternly. We headed back to the hotel and currently at the hotel pool.

"I am not drowning him! I'm just pushing him a bit so he would get his hair wet!" He protested.

"Either way, stop it!" I said ad Louis released Zayn and he gasped for air.

I am currently with Lux sitting at the end of the pool a she splashes around with Harry and Niall. Liam was in the hot tub all by himself with his eyes closes and leaned back on the edge. I am really not a fan of swimming. I was in my bathing suit, but wearing my Pink Floyd shirt and basketball shorts. Yeah, I'm insecure, go figure.

"Harry, could you watch Lux for a bit?" I asked and he nodded grinning. I hopped to my feet and sat by the edge when Liam was leaning.

"Mind company?" I asked and his eyes shot open. He looked at me intently before nodding. I put my legs in the hot tub scooting at a closer distance.

"Are you alright?" I asked hoping it was alright to have a conversation about Harry's outburst earlier.

"Yeah." He said, then hesitated."Why wouldn't I be?"

"You've been oddly quiet since Harry..y'know." I trailed off. It was an awkward subject and I knew he was twigged by it.

"I'm just tired I suppose. Harry really shouldn't have done that. You're here to focus and not to date. We've barely known you for a day.....but even then, you're like a sister to us."

sister......sister.... I don't know why, but when he said that, I felt hurt. I don't know why because I would love to be any one of their sisters. When Liam said it though, I felt hurt.

"I know. " I began after a couple seconds of silence." I feel like I've known you for year. Then again, you guys hardly know me at all."

"That is true." He chuckled with his adorable accent."But eventually that will change."

And there it is. An awkward end to a conversation. I didn't know how to respond or if I even should. I didn't want to just leave him here alone.

"Want to join the others?" I asked pointing to when the others were all laying on their back floating. Harry had Lux atop of his stomach and he lays flat on the water.

"Seem like a great idea." He stood up to show off his wet abs. I mentally was cursing myself because I was staring but how could you not? I immideately averted my gaze to Lux trying so hard to not look at Liam drying off. We started walking side to the others. Liam ran straight ahead before canonballing into the water causing all the lads to ride the waves Liam made. Lux was clapping away since it probably felt like she was on a ride.

"Jac, why don't you come in?" Niall asked and I shook my head.

"I can't swim and don't like being in bathing suits in public." I replied crossing my arms over my chest and standing by the pool chair.

"C'mon Jac, we'll teach you!" Louis said.

"If we were able to teach Zayn, I think we're able to teach you." Harry said holding Lux close to her as she splashed all about.

"I wasn't that hard to teach!" Zayn protested.

"Yes you were!" All the boys said unison.

"There still is the bathing suit problem. If you haven't noticed by now, I'm not the girl to show off her body, especially to guys." I replied.

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