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Brooklyn, New York

It was a frigid Christmas Eve day in New York City, snow coated the streets as the sounds of the bustling city resonated through the air.

The city was rough but, it was beautiful right now as the Christmas decorations riddled the buildings.

Two friends walked down the sidewalk as they were having an indistinct conversation.

The taller one was a thirteen year old boy, he sported dreads with a tapered drop fade and the right half of his dreads were tied into a pony tail.

He was dark mocha in complexion and had dark brown eyes to match.

This was Geleel Barlett, or as the neighborhood generally called him, Cap.

The shorter individual was a fourteen year old female, she had beautiful brown curly hair which she kept in the form of a curly fro.

Her skin was a sweet caramel color, and she had light green eyes.

"It's soooo cold." Geleel complained as he zipped his jacket up and put his hood on

"Oh come on Cap, stop complaining already, it's not so bad." Gratuity said as she chuckled at his antics.

"You're different Tip, I don't know how you enjoy the snow, I've been here for six years and I still hate it...I miss that Jamaica weather so bad." Geleel ranted as they trudged through the snow.

"I mean, I do miss Barbados' beautiful weather but come on, it's Christmas Eveeee, stop moping." She pleaded.

"I get being excited for Christmas Eve but, snow is just not fun, there's no reason for this white abomination to be this cold anyways." Geleel stated as he failed to noticing Gratuity stopping and looking at him with an arched brow.

She was going to show him just how fun the snow really was.

Gratuity then began gathering some snow into a snowball.

"Hey Cap..." She called out as he stopped and turned around.

"Hm? What happ-oof!" He exclaimed as she nailed him right in the face with the snowball.

Gratuity then covered her mouth with her hand as she began laughing hysterically.

Geleel wiped the snow off of his face as he glared at her.

"Oh yea, it's over for you." Geleel said darkly as he gathered a snowball of his own and began chasing Gratuity who ran away giggling the entire time.

He threw the snowball as it hit her smack in the back of the head, this resulted in a very fierce and fun filled snowball fight as they made their way home.

The Apartment

The two teens made their was to the apartment as they rang the buzzer.

They were now drenched in melted snow and covered in some that had yet to melt.

"I so won that." Gratuity said to Geleel with a smirk.

"Not even in ya wildest dreams Tip." Geleel fired back with a deadpan.

The door opens as they were met with the sight of the most wonderful woman in the world to them, Lucy Tucci.

Lucy had light brown skin much like her daughter, her eyes were brown in contrast to Gratuity's.

Her hair was straightened and let down to about her upper back.

The woman looked at the two teens as she was puzzled by their drenched jackets.

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