In the heights

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"What does sueñito mean?" Elena asks her father in wonder causing all of her friends and sister look at the man expecting an answer. "Sueñito? It means 'little dream." An older Usnavi answers causing the kids to frown. "That's it? No story?" Dolores whines to her father. "Can we go in the water now?" Sedo asks impatiently.

Miggy sighs as Elena turns around to face sedo. "Let him explain" she scolds. "All right, all right. Everybody sit down, sit down." Usnavi orders as he moves from behind the counter. "Yay!" The children all cheer as they sit on the bean bags waiting for usnavi to tell the story. "Alright." Usnavi breathed out, as he sat down in his chair.

"Bueno." He says starting his story "It's a story of a block that was disappearing. Once upon a time, in a faraway land called Nueva York, en un barrio called Washington Heights. Say it, so it doesn't disappear." Usnavi orders.

"Washington Heights!" The kids shout happily making Camila chuckle. "All right, all right." He utters chuckling before staring again. "Oye, oye, oye. The streets were made of music." Usnavi continues as he starts tapping his knuckles against the bench creating a beat, which makes Camila smile.

82ᴼF ☼

Usnavi lays flat on his stomach, sleeping until his alarm clock went off. He groans as the clock rings but still lays there.  Hearing the beeping got annoying after a while so  he taps the alarm clock so it can stop beeping. He then gets up and looks pictures of his childhood. He stares at one photo at a time with many of the memories flooding into his head. He then looks at another picture with him, his friends and the love of his life but she doesn't know that.

"Best days of my life." Usnavi mumbles before actually getting up. After getting dressed he  walks down the hallway to meet Abuela Claudia cooking. "Bendicion, Abuela." he greets while giving her a kiss on the head. "oh and don't forget to take your medicine love you" usnavi reminds her before leaving. 

Usnavi walks down the streets of Washington Heights shaking his keys to the sound of the hose hitting the sidewalk. He stops immediately when he felt a sticky on the bottom of his timbs.Usnavi lifts up his shoe, only to see gum stretching from the ground to his shoe.


The children starts laughing causing usnavi to roll his eyes playfully.

"Ugh" he grunts as he wipes it off his foot by scrapping it against the street.

"Lights up on Washington Heights, up at the break of day." As usnavi is crossing the street he notices pete spraying on the bodega. "Yo, What are you doing bro!" Usnavi shouts startling Pete to run away. "I wake up and I got this little punk I gotta chase away. Pop the grate at the crack of dawn. Sing whileIwipedown the awning." "Hey y'all, good morning." Usnavi greets the couple that was walking past him.

"Ice cold piragua, parcha, china, cherry, strawberry and just for today I got mamey." Mr. Piragüero shouts as he pushes his cart. "Oye, piragüero, ¿cómo estás?" Usnavi greets him with a handshake. "Como siempre, señor Usnavi." He replies with a smile and places a hand to usnavi's face before leaving. "Ice cold piragua, parcha..." Mr. Piragüero announces as he walks away.

Usnavi walks into bodega that suddenly brightens up everything and exposes what advertisements he has on his windows. He then began to start his usual routine. "I am Usnavi and you prob'ly never heard my name. Reports of my fame are greatly exaggerated." Usnavi hops over the counter as vanessa comes in. "Hey usnavi" she greets  as usnavi looks at her. "Vanessa ready?" he responds as she nods. "Of course" she responds.

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