2 | Familiar Things

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Familiar things

CHAPTER TWOFamiliar things

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"CHANDLER, DEAR, don't you think its about time you threw away those godawful hats? And sit up properly, you'll get a crooked back!" His mother nagged from across the dinner table, glaring at the dark skinned girl giggling beside him. He looked to his mother, fighting back an eye roll as he sat up straighter.

"I like them, mother." His short answer caused the woman to narrow her eyes, which he met with a challenging blue gaze of his own. The feeling of the hat being tugged off his head broke him from the stare, turning to the girl who stole his hat with a frown.

"I've been telling him the same thing for the past two years." Madelaine Worton wore her prize winning smile, placing the hat into her lap. She smiled despite the gaze the boy sent to her, looking a little hurt she didn't have his back and would actually go as far as to take the hat from him. The youngest boy at the table reached out for the hat and Maddy had given it over, the battered object being too big on the boy's head.

"You should listen to her, she's a good one." Laura Cunningham smiled, though the hidden meaning behind the words was conveyed through the look she sent the young man. Chandler scrunched his nose at what she was implying, having already heard from Chrissy about how his mother wanted him to marry Mads.

"Can I keep it, Channy?" Cas asked, smiling from under the wide brimmed cap. The older brother melted a little, unable to say no to the boy as he glanced to the hat on his head. It was one of his more worn one's, but it wasn't his favourite, a blue cap he had gotten awhile back, a Pac-man cap from a bet he had won in the early years of high-school.

"Course you can, kiddo." He answered his brother, gaining a wide, excited smile in response, a smile that had repeatedly made both older siblings bend to the boy's will countless of times. The woman across from him scoffed. He looked up to meet her gaze once again, noticing the look of disapproval she was sending him. "What? He's gonna need something to remember me by when I inevitably off myself from you two nagging me all the time."

Both accused women gasped at the insinuation, going to reprimand him for his behaviour. The heavy laugh of Philip Cunningham cut them off, shaking his head as he put down the newspaper he was reading. Meeting the glare his wife sent him with a playful smile. It was clear to see where Chance got his behaviour from, his almost uncaring attitude coupled with his playful wit being something he shared with his father, and why he was always closer to the man than he was his mother.

"Oh, cut the boy some slack, he's soon to graduate from Harvard for God's sake, if he wants to wear a cap let him wear the bloody cap." The man chuckled, going back to his newspaper, not accepting any arguments from his wife. The girl sat beside him giggled behind her hand, Chrissy having dressed in her cheer outfit for the game tonight. Though she flinched when she realised that her small outburst had caught the attention of the entire table, having been trying to stay in the shadows for the dinner. She saw the expressions of the other two women at the table, Mads looked as though she thought of Chrissy as some sort of bug, and her mother made a quick scan of her as she shrunk into her seat.

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