Across the Stars

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Padmé shivered in the cool night air as Anakin wrapped the blanket from his pack around her shoulders. They were on a spying mission on Felucia to spy on a group of creatures that had captured a few clone troopers.

They laid on their stomachs on a hill overlooking the civilization.

"Thanks," Padmé whispered, taking a pair of binoculars and looking through them.

"See anything?" Anakin asked.

"I see some kind of unidentified creatures...I've never seen them before."

"Describe them."

"They have lots of knives on their belts. They sort of remind me of know, reptilian. They're some sort of shade of brown, and they have big, protruding teeth...take a look for yourself."

Anakin took the binoculars. "Whoa. Hello, Uglies."

Padmé shook her head. "Focus on the important parts."

"Fine. All I can say is, they're dangerous and I'm not letting you go down there."

"That's not your decision to make."

"Or is it?"

"General Skywalker, you're my protector. That means when we go down there, it's your job to protect me, not...not..."

"Whoa, Senator. I think for once, you don't have an accurate argument."

She looked up at him in defeat.

"Hey, I'm just saying." Anakin pulled her close to him and put his arm around her waist.

"General..." Padmé attempted to pull away.

"Padmé. There's no one here."

She relaxed her muscles and let him cradle her in his arm. She set her head on his shoulder and curled up in their blanket. She sighed. "For a spying mission, this is nice."

"It's almost like we're actually husband and wife."

Padmé smiled a little. "Anakin."


She shook her head and cuddled against him. He smelled faintly of the deodorant he wore. Padmé smiled.

"I'm on night watch. You go to sleep," Anakin instructed.

"I'd rather stay up and do night watch with you."


"Or, we can both go to sleep." She patted the spot on the one blanket next to her.

"I'll lie down, but I'm not going to sleep."

Padmé looked into his eyes pleadingly.

"Okay, okay. You win." He laid down next to her on the ground, grunting as he settled himself. "Padmé."


"The stars," he said, pointing at the star-filled sky.

She shifted positions and laid on her back like he did. "They're beautiful."

"And bright."

"Look over there! Shooting star. Wish for something, Anakin."

"It doesn't work that way."

"Just try."

He sighed. "I wish...I wish that the Jedi Council would allow love."

"Me too," Padmé said. "Do you know how much I love you?"

"How much?"

"Our love reaches across this whole sky. Across the stars."

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