Swimming Lesson

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Loki? Are you alright? Loki..? No..!

"Crystal, wake up!"

I was shaken awake, tears were flowing down my cheeks.

"R-Reya..?" I bit my quivering lip.

"You were having a bad dream." She gave me a kind smile. "Do you wish to talk about it? Maybe it will help."

I wiped at the tears on my face, and with a glance outside, I noticed it was nearing late afternoon.

I overslept..

I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest.

"I..I was dreaming about a loved one that I lost. It's still so fresh in my mind, I.." I shook my head. "I just need a distraction."

Tsireya took one of my hands into her own.

"Sometimes distractions are nice, but we should never forget the ones that have passed on. The fact that you cry, means that they made a significant impact in your life. Cherish those good memories and try not to think of the bad."

I gave her a small smile, "Thank you, Reya.."

She nodded, "Now!" She rose to her feet. "Let me teach you the ways of the water!"

I chuckled, "A fair warning, I do have a fear of deep water. Think you can fix that?" I rose.

"Ah, a challenge. I accept! I will make a Metkayina out of you yet."

"A what?"

"Metkayina is what our people are called. Now come!" She hurried out of the hut.

I grabbed one of the fruit from my basket before I followed her out.

I glanced around as I munched on the fruit. I was still getting a lot of stares. They didn't bother me as much now, though.

"If Na'wei is still here, they can be your Ilu for our lesson. If not, we will have one choose you."

I frowned, remembering that Na'wei preferred to travel rather than stay cooped up here.


"Hmm?" She glanced back at me.

"Does it..bother you that Na'wei connected with me?"

"Of course not. It makes me happy, actually." She smiled, "Na'wei was always shy. I am glad they finally made a new friend."

I nodded and finished off my fruit. We had reached our destination by that point. Tsireya turned to face me.

"Now, take those pesky looking things off." She pointed down to the military boots I was given.

I looked down at them. "I would love a whole wardrobe change.." I leaned down to untie the boots. "So I can at least look like I fit in."

Tsireya tapped her chin in thought, "Mm.. I will be right back." She hurried off.

I sighed and plopped down onto the sand. I tugged the boots off my feet along with the socks. I tossed them aside and stuck my feet into the water.

That feels nice..

I leaned back onto my hands, tilted my head back, and closed my eyes.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" A figure hovered over me and blocked out the sun.

I opened my eyes and gasped a little.

"Tonowari." I quickly sat up.

He chuckled, "Do not stop on my account."

I rubbed my neck nervously. "Your daughter was just about to teach me "the ways of the water"."

"Oh? Where is she?" He glanced around in search of her.

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