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I had been on Pandora for roughly three weeks before the colonel bothered to start training me on my abilities. Something about needing to trust me before we begin.

Oh, you should never trust me. I'm going to be your downfall.

"Are you listening, Miss Woods?" Colonel Quaritch snapped his fingers at me.

"Of course I am." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah? Then repeat to me what I just said."

I gave him a bored look.

"You said to activate my abilities, I need to clear my mind and focus for once."

"Exactly." He crossed his arms. "Now focus." He waved a hand towards his Ikran.

Confused, I turned my gaze towards the creature and willed my mind to still. My body began to warm the more I focused. 

"I-" I shook my head and looked away. "Something feels off.."

Quaritch sighed, "You almost had it. Your tail was starting to glow."

"Glow?" I looked down at it. It had just faded back to its light blue color from purple. I looked back at the colonel, determination immediately lighting up my face. "I want to try again."

"Go for it then. We got all day."

I looked back at the Ikran and focused harder. I studied each little detail on the creature from its piercing yellow gaze to its turquoise stripes. My body began to warm again but this time I pressed on.

I felt as my body began to change. It was a strange feeling. Like I had turned into water. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing.

"Well I'll be damned.." Colonel Quaritch said quietly.

I opened my eyes again and looked at the colonel. My perspective had changed. Like I'd grown a whole foot. I looked down at myself and noticed that I had indeed changed. I looked like a crystallized version of Quaritch's Ikran.

Said creature moved forward to smell me. He clicked curiously and cocked his head. I winced and reeled backwards as my body violently changed back to its original form. 

Quaritch's Ikran screeched and flapped backwards in surprise.

Colonel Quaritch quickly moved towards me. 

"You alright?" He put a hand on my shoulder to steady me.

"Y-Yeah.." I panted quietly.

"To clarify what you can do, once you focus on a creature and clear your mind, you can become that creature. A crystallized version as you saw. You gain all of that creature's abilities for as long as you can hold it."

I gave him an incredulous look. 

"Why me? You could've given this skill to an experienced fighter."

The colonel shrugged, "We needed a lab rat to test it out. Once we're sure it's a success, we can make more."

I glared, "I am not a rat." I spat.

"You are for as long as we say you are." He gave my back a heavy smack before he led his Ikran back to its stable.

I scowled.

As soon as I get it under control, I'll take my leave. They can't keep me here forever.

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is so short. Please forgive me! 🥺 I promise the next one will be a lot longer.

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