Chapter 1

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"You never listen to a word I say!" She shouted at him her black hair shining in the Caribbean sunshine. They came to St Barts to enjoy the sun and beaches, it was supposed to be a romantic getaway and he had turned into a nightmare."Oh Natasha you are so overly dramatic. All I did was smack her ass and maybe kiss her." He stood next to her but he wasn't even looking at her, he couldn't even give her the courtesy of pretending that he was sorry. Her green eye's flashed at him, "I'm going for a walk and I don't have any desire for you to be with me." She stormed off leaving him to watch her ass. She walked for what seemed like hours and when she was calm enough to stop she realized she had no idea where she was. Well wasn't this just perfect. He made her so mad that she had gotten herself lost. She wondered around the beach, picking up shells. She really needed to rethink this whole relationship with Dante. Of course he was gorgeous and built like a model, but he really wasn't boyfriend material. She decided when she found her way back to the resort she would confront him.They could get separate rooms and finish this trip alone. She continued along the beach and as she walked she noticed off in the distance wht looked like a sail boat washed up on the beach. She picked up her pace thinking there might be someone in distress aboard. As she got closer she realized the boat was actually not crashed and it appeared that someone was working on it. "Hello?" she called out as she approached. "Is there anyone here?"

She wondered around the bow of the boat and bumped into something or someone and fell to the ground. A deep grunt issued from the object, which she was now convinced was a man."Oh god I'm so sorry." He said as he offered his hand. He was tall, very tall, if she had to guess well over 6 feet. His tanned skin glowed in the sunshine and his deep hazel eyes met her. He was clearly much older than she was. She'd guess he was easily her senior by 15 years if not more. He was ruggedly handsome with windswept hair that was very salt and peppered. She took his hand and with little effort he righted her on to her feet.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been snooping around."She blushed a little as he hadn't released her hand."Well I'm Alex and you are more than welcome to check her out, she's one my pride and joy's and it's not very often that we get visited by a lovely exotic beauty such as yourself."She felt even more heat rise in her cheeks as his kissed the hand he was still holding. "I'm Natasha and I don't know if I'd call myself exotic. I'm from Georgia."

She eased her hand from his and there was a moment of silence where he continued to stare at her. "I don't really know anything about boats so I'm not sure what I'm looking at other than a really large sail boat. Also I thought you were in distress because I've never seen a boat just sitting on the shore like this." He chuckled and patted the side of the boat.

"I've got her up here until the tide comes in. Once the tide grabs the back I'll be able to give her a push and send her out. Also if you wanted to be specific she is a catamaran. I can tell by the look you're not sure what that even is. It's just a fancy word for a special kind of sailboat." She gazed it the boat and took in its unique shape. "So do you sail all the time? I noticed you don't have an accent, you must not be from here either." She ran her finger tips along the smooth side of the boat. "Nope, California actually. But I do sail all the time, it's a passion of mine. One of many." His look caused the small hairs on her neck to raise and her nipples to harden. He continued, "I have several boats, mostly types of sail boats. I like taking the smaller ones out on day trips and the large ones with cabins on long hauls all around the world." What an exciting life she thought, sailing around the world. She asked him a few more questions about sailing and they fell into an easy conversation. He'd been sailing for about 10 years and the Caribbean was one of his favorite places to stop. He had a large sailboat at the marina here, one that was set up to stay at sea for months. The way he described it to her it was like a home on the water. "Wow that sounds like so much fun. I've never been sailing before." She admitted shyly. "Would you like to come out with me? The tide is coming in and I'll be ready to launch shortly." He smiled a million dollar smile. "Well I'd love to but I'm afraid I'm a little lost and I have to try and find my way back to the resort." She looked around not even sure which way was better to go. "Well that's no problem, I can sail you right around the point there, " He indicated a grouping of rocks in the west waters. "All of the tourist resorts are in the bay. Won't take but maybe 30 minutes at most." What the heck, she took his offer and within ten minutes that were boarded and making way out to sea. She watched him handle the massive boat with ease. His muscles flexing under his unbuttoned linen shirt. His while linen pants not doing much to hide the fact that he was well endowed. She found herself fantasizing what he might be like in bed. He was older, she knew that so she figured he'd really know how to treat a woman, not like Dante who was mostly concerned with his own needs. As they sailed along she took a chance to check out the boat. There were all kinds of ropes and sails ding various different things. One item she noticed that seemed odd on a sailboat was what looked like a horse crop and leather dog collar. Hmm she thought I wonder if he has a dog back at the marina or maybe at home? "Alex, do you have a dog somewhere?" She inquired. He looked down at her sitting quietly almost at his feet. "No Natasha, I don't have a pet right now," He looked at her hungrily, "but I've got my eye on a lovely female and I'd like to bring her sailing with me."She was taken a back at his statement and that look he gave her made her feel like she was being assessed for something, what she didn't know. His presence was strong and she could tell that he was the type of man who was normally in control of a situation. The more he looked at her the more she became convinced she was the female he had his eye on. "And what, um, female would that be?"Her voice was shaking slightly. "Oh Natasha, sweet Natasha, you know exactly what I mean."He stepped away from the helm and kneeled down next to her, his face inches from hers. "I want you my dear and you want me." He took her by the chin and kissed her with so much passion and heat that she melted right there for him. He was right she did want him, she was aching for him already. His hand slipped under her loose silk top and massage her breast until she cried out against him."Alex, I can't!" She protested. "I'm here with someone and I don't even know you." Her breath came out in short hot bursts. "Oh you know me, you've wanted a man like me your whole life. Someone to tame that wild streak I see in you. Someone who will make you feel things you never knew even possible. I'm that man Natasha."He kissed her again hard this time forcing her down on the deck with his body. He easily covered her and she could feel his arousal against her stomach a thin vail of silk and linen all that separated the now. She have heartedly tried to escape him but he grabbed her wrists and held them, moving them up over her head."I'm going to do things to you that you never dreamed of, things that will break you and things that will please every inch of you. Just say yes." He ground his into her, cock pressing harder almost painfully into her. She couldn't, she wouldn't, this was absolutely insane. She stopped struggling looked up at him and said yes.

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