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Today it's saturday. Pablo has a game at 16:00. I'm going to be there, and secretly I hope that I'll get the change to talk to Pedri again. I really start to like him. Maybe it's fast because I have only seen him once. Whatever. It's 14:25, and we leave at 14:30. Pablo needs to be there early, so that's why. I walk downstairs. Frenkie picks us up again. I see that he is already there. Pablo is still upstairs. "Pablo, Frenkie is here!" "I'm coming!" A few seconds later he's here too. "That was fast." He smiles proudly. Such a little kid. I lock the front door, and we walk to Frenkie's car. He looks at us. "Hey, how are you guys?" I close the door. "I'm good, thanks." "Same." Frenkie starts driving.

4 hours later

The game just finished. Pablo's team is doing a cooling-down at the field now. They won with 5-1. Pedri scored twice, and Pablo once. It was fun to watch. All the fans are slowly leaving the stadium, so I walk up to the fences. As I walk closer, Pedri and Pablo are coming up to me. "You guys did so great!" They smile. Pedri gives me a fist bump. "Thanks." "Oh btw, Pedri brings us home." I look at Pablo. "Alright." "We are going to change now, you can wait outside." I nod. They walk the the changing room, and I go outside as told.

Maybe it didn't look so, but I'm very happy we drive with Pedri. Now I can get to know him better. Also, it's very cold outside. I hope they are fast.

I wait for a very long time, and they finally come. "Did someone fall dead or something? I have been waiting here for a f#cking hour!" They both look at me. "Sorry Isa..." We walk up to the car. I want to go sit in the back, but Pablo goes fast before me. "You can sit next to Pedri." he says. I give him a weird look. "Okay?" I close his door and walk to the other side. Pedri is already sitting, and he smiles at me. I smile back. I close the door, and Pedri starts the car.

We talk the whole ride. "So, Isabella, do you have a boyfriend?" I stare at him. A boyfriend? Does he like me too? "No, we just broke up." He looks worried. "Oh I'm sorry." "It's fine. He was an asshole anyways." Pedri nods. It looks like he wants to say something. I want to ask him about it, but Pablo is faster. "Her boyfriend was Foden." "Oh... Cool." The rest of the trip it's quiet.

5 minutes later we arrive at our house. Pablo gets out first. "Bye bro." He walks to the front door. I want to leave too, but Pedri holds me back. "Ehm, Isabella, do you maybe want to like go out for dinner with me once?" I give him a big smile. "Yes! I would love to!" "Nice." "Well, bye! See you." I close the door and walk up to Pablo. "Pedri just asked me out on a date!" He laughs. "Great for you!" He hugs me.

Maybe it's a bit fast, but I found love again.

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