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This whole story is written in Isabella's pov, unless indicated otherwise.

I lay in my bed. Today was a boring day. Me and Pablo went to the store, but that's it. I'm watching a movie. My phone is making a noise. Phil is calling me. I pause the movie, and accept the call. "Hey, what's up?" I ask. "Uhm, well..." He sounds a bit sad. "Phil, what's going on?" He sighs. "I just don't think this is going to work anymore." My heart drops. "What do you mean?!" "This relationship is just not going to work Isa... I live in England, and you in Spain. We live like 1500km apart..." Tears are forming in my eyes. "But I can just come to you and-" "No Isabella. I don't want this anymore. I'm sorry... Goodbye." The call ends. I throw my phone away, and begin to cry. "F#ck!" Tears are rolling down my cheeks. Footsteps are coming up the stairs. My door opens. Pablo stands in the doorway. He closes the door behind him, and he walks up to me. "Hey, hey, what's going on?" He is sitting beside me. I grab his arm and pull him next to me. "Phil just broke up with me..." I cry even harder now. "He did? What an asshole!" "I love him! I don't want to break up..." I place my head on Pablo's shoulder. "He's just a dumbass for letting you go!" I show a short smile. "Yes..."

Next day

I almost didn't sleep tonight. I was constantly thinking about Phil. I miss him. "Isabella, breakfast is ready!" Pablo is calling me. "Coming." I feel really broken. I walk down stairs as Pablo is asking me how I am. "I'm fine." Pablo looks at me. "You don't look fine." I give him a stare. A long stare. "I said that I'm fine." Pablo sighs. "Alright then." I pull my chair and sit down. Actually I'm not very hungry. I pour in some tea. "So, what are you going to do today?" Pablo takes a bite of his cracker. I shrug, and drink my tea. It's not very hot anymore. When I finish, I walk back to my room. "Isa, do you want-" Before Pablo can finish, I cut him off. "No." I don't feel like doing anything today. I slam my door, and lay in bed.

A few hours later Pablo opens my door. "Hey, do you want something to eat?" I shake my head. "No thanks." He looks worried. "You seriously aren't going to lay in bed all day because of Phil, right?" I give him a stare. "You're not my mom Pablo." He sighs. "Okay, well I'm going to Pedri now." "Alright." He stays for a few seconds, and then leaves. I grab the tv remote. Ofcourse I'm going to lay in bed the whole day.

3 days later

I'm watching a movie. As I'm watching, the door opens. It's Pablo. "Come on Isa, you have to get out of your bed."

Phil broke up with my 4 days ago. I haven't left the house since.

I'm turning to Pablo, and sigh dramatically. "No, I'm not really planning to." I turn back to watch the movie. "Come with me to watch my training. Fresh air is good for you!" I stare at him. "Fine." I pause the movie, and grab some nice clothes. "Can you leave, I'm going to change." He nods.

A few minutes later I leave my room. I put on some nice clothes and simple makeup. I walk downstairs, and Pablo is already there with his stuff. "Are you ready to go?" "Yeah, I guess." He smiles. I open the door. We both walk outside. "Frenkie is going to pick us up btw." I look at him. "Who?" "Just one of my teammates." "Alright." We walk to the driveway. Frenkie just pulled up with his car. Pablo opens the door for me. I sit in the back, and he sits beside Frenkie. The car drives away. "So, you're Pablo's twin sister, right?" Frenkie looks at me via the little mirror. I smile to him. "Yes, nice to meet you!"

20 minutes later

We just arrived at the stadium. We all step out of the car. I stare full of admiration. Frenkie looks at me. "Have you ever been to a game or training?" I shake my head. "Nope. Never had time." He nods. "Ah." We walk inside, and Pablo and Frenkie go straight to the dressing room. "We are going to change, you can sit in the front row!" I put up my thumb. I walk up to the front row, and take a seat. There's a few others on the other side. Probably family too. I grab my phone, answer some snaps and make a bereal. 5 minutes later there is finally people coming up on the field. I look trough the players and see Pablo. He sees me too, and he waves. I wave back. An other boy is standing next to him. They point at me and say something to each other.

2 hours later

The training is over. I never knew it took so long tho. Pablo and the guy he was talking with in the beginning are walking up to me. That guy is kinda cute tho. "Do you want to come up on the field Isa?" Pablo sticks his hand out to me. "Yeah, sure." I grab Pablo's hand and climb over the fence. The other guy starts talking to me. "So, you're Isabella. Pablo told me a lot about you!" I laugh. "Ah I see." He laughs too. "I'm Pedri, by the way." "Nice to meet you!"

We keep talking a bit, and half an hour later we leave. Frenkie takes us home. When we arrive, I want to go to my room. Right before the stairs, I stop. I turn to Pablo. "Thanks for taking me." He smiles. "No problem!" I walk up to him, and give him a hug. He lets go and I walk up to my room. I put off my shoes, and jump in bed. It was a fun day. I lay down and keep thinking. Mostly about Pedri. He's so attractive. I think I might have feelings for him... Maybe it's a bit fast. Maybe...

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