Chill night

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(Eddie PoV)

It's the night after we went out drinking. Me and Buck are laying intertwined with Chris on the sofa bed watching a movie. The movie blares in the background and covers up the sound of Chris' loud snores. I shift underneath Buck and scoop Christopher up and he stirs slightly.
He groans and I walk away into his room with him. I nudge open Chris's door and plant him on the bed, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. I whisper an I love you before pushing myself up and going back to Buck.

I walk through the passage to see him, the love of my life holding a glass of wine with music playing in the background. The music is soft and delicate, but formal. Just like the kind you hear in a restaurant.
He lets out his hand to grab mine and I take it, as he pulls me towards him. He catches my lips and plants a soft kiss, slipping his tongue through slightly. I thought this was just a hoax to have sex tonight but he catches me off guard when he asks "would you care for a dance?" In a soft tone. I nod in agreement as he begins swaying me while the song comes to an abrupt stop. I turn my head and he pulls away from me. The candle lighting in the background appears. "I thought we could have a calm and romantic night to ourselves.." he says.
I smile, I love this man with my entire being. He's so cute.
"Can you go read Chris a story while I set up in here?"
Just as he says that I hear Christopher yell "daddy! I want a story.."
I sigh and walk away.

(Buck PoV)

Once Eddie leaves I know I only have 30 minutes max to do this. I grab the rest of the candles and move the sofa bed out of the way quickly. I'm just about to go and grab the roses I bought, I stub my toe on the counter top and fight the urge to shout every single curse word under the sun. I grunt in pain and waddle over to the roses. I grab them and by the time I reach the main spot the pain has mostly subsided. I take a deep breath and begin filtering out the best songs for the moment. This is it. The most important time in my life. And maybe his.

I pour the two wine glasses ready for what's about to happen. I hear Eddie making his way back through and I start playing the music and smile.
He looks at me with those eyes. Those exact ones I fell in love with the moment I laid eyes on him. Breathe in his aroma as he comes towards me. He grabs my hand and we begin dancing. I swing his to the left and kiss him. "Can you go grab my phone from the kitchen?" I whisper to him. He sighs in protest and walks away. This is the moment now. I can't mess this up.

(Eddie PoV)

I stroll into the kitchen and see his phone. I click my tongue and grab it. Being nosy, I turn on the screen and see no notifications. I turn on my heel and back into the living room to hear 'Eddie my love' playing. I take in a sharp breath of air and feel tingles go down my spine. "Edmundo Diaz, I love you more then anything in the world, other then Christopher, and there is nothing more I would rather do in the world right now then be with you. You mean everything to me and I don't know what I would do without you.." his voice is shaky and I can hear the panic and see the shake in the knee he is kneeling on. "So will you marry me?" He half-shouts-half-speaks. Everything is so crazy right now in this moment. The tingles reach my legs and I bounce up and down like a little girl. "Yes! Of course mi amor!" I run and hug him and say into the crook of his neck "I love you, Evan Buckley."
"I love you too Eddie."
I pull away and meet my face with his. "But that is the only time that you have permission to use my full name EVER again"
He giggled and lean in to kiss him gently.
"Do you wanna put the ring on?" He says softly. Buck lifts the box and opens it to show a beautiful ring with a small gem planted in the middle of the band. There is something engraved on the inside of the band which says 23/07/11 it's Christopher's birthday. I smile again and stare at him into those deep blue eyes I fell so in love with. "It's perfect..." I say just above a whisper. I slip the ring on and it fits so well.. and I can't believe how lucky I am to have met this man. I look at him again and kiss him ever so softly and this one, this one kiss is so special and amazing. It's too hard to explain. I feel something wrap around my legs and see Chris standing there hugging us. "So is Buck my legal daddy now?" He says all kinds of happy. "He will be extremely soon mijo.." I glance back up at him once more and then back down at my son.
This is my family
My true family.

"I love you Evan"  (a Buck and Eddie fan fic!)Where stories live. Discover now