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Eject Left — Eject the driver from the car. (Auto roof left must be opened first to avoid injury, pressure adjustment can be set to different weights for different desired heights or for softer landings.)

Eject Right — Ejects the passenger from the car. (Auto roof right must be opened first to avoid injury, pressure adjustment can be set to different weights for different desired heights or for softer landings.)

Electrical Generation Mode — This allows KITT to electrify any material that is conductive.

Electromagnetic Field Generator — Allows KITT to disrupt electrical fields. (Such as bugs, radar, radio signals, tracking devices, ect.)

Electronic Ignition Disabler — Disengages, (shuts off) the engine of a fleeing car.

Emergency Breaking System (EBS) — Three large fin flaps that open (one for each side, and one on the top) on KITT to dramatically slow him down or stop him after the extreme speeds in SPM (Super Pursuit Mode) (This was introduced in Season 4).

Emergency Parachute Deployment (EPD) — A large parachute that deploys from KITT's top, allowing them to safely free fall to the ground.

Evade — Automatically takes control and steers KITT in an evasive pattern, used to evade attacks from enemies.

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