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(I've learned some 30s slang recently, and it's all so goofy)

The Devil's Casino, the business, was thriving in the night as it always does. Money and souls were flowing, and folks were laughing, talking, and having a good time. So far, there hadn't been any trouble. Maybe a few fights and difficult customers, but they were quickly dealt with. Tonight was a good night

Chips: C'mon, fellas! Can't be all ya got~

Man: I'm out!

Man: Leaving mid game?! Hah, you're such a drip!

Man: Chintzy bastard!

Other men from the table started calling out to the one who left, and Chips laughed. He was running a game

King Dice: Evening, everybody!

People clapped and cheered for the man. He was quite well known. After all

King Dice: I felt like treatin' you all with a song tonight! But, it's a little different this time! Because I wanted some of my employees to join me!

He announced, and the brothers got on stage, waving to the crowd. But, Mugs seemed stiff

Cuphead: Don't let your stage fright hold ya back! C'mon, Mugs!

Mugman: O-Okay..

He nodded to his brother. They were only whispering as Dice talked to the crowd a bit more

King Dice: Alright boys, ya ready?

The grin on his and Cuphead's face showed they were confident and sure, but Mugman seemed hesitant

King Dice: There's no turning back now

He spoke to Mugman, and he glanced between the crowd and his dad

Mugman: *sigh* I'm ready..

With that, Dice signaled the band, and they started up the music. The entire time, Mugman sang very modestly, still very embarrassed. And Cuphead just danced around, lip syncing because his singing voice was ass like mine

King Dice: I've heard you sing before! You sound great!

Mugman: It was just me and you! It's so embarrassing and nerve-wracking to do it in front of a bunch of strangers!

He talked to Dice as he held a drink and sipped it afterward

King Dice: Well, hey, just let me know if you ever wanna sing again with me! Maybe we could just have the crew there! Starting out small, y'know?

Mugman: I guess..

King Dice: Still, I'm proud of you for even getting on stage

Dice placed a hand on Mugman's shoulder, and he smiled

Mugman: Thanks, dad

Mugs realized what he said and sweated, blushing from embarrassment

King Dice: Hah, you're welcome, Mugs

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