In Golden Sunlight

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"Please... I love you. I will always love you, Trixie... Please come back to me... Come back." Katya begged.

Suddenly a golden light shot up from the middle of the lake, as if the sun itself was trying to break free from the deep water. It was so bright that Katya could barely look at it, but soon an even brighter light filled the lake. Thousands of fireflies flew down and hovered above it, making the water look like a night sky filled with bright stars. The white water lilies started to fly up into the air, soaring up like paper lanterns as they separated themselves from their dangerous vines.

"What in the world?" Jack said in shock. "How?"

"W-what's happening?" Ron asked right after him, feeling slightly scared as he had never witnessed fairy magic before.

"I... I don't know." Katya said as she stared at the lake in awe.

But then out of nowhere, she appeared.
Like a Goddess sent down to earth.
Or a phoenix rising from the ashes.
She emerged from the water.

She was dressed in a bright white dress, and her beautiful blonde hair was now straight, making it appear longer than ever before. It seemed brighter too, with glittering streaks of gold now running through it, making her look even more ethereal than she had before. Around her neck was the gold locket which Katya had gifted her, shining like a little sun against her pale skin.

"K-Katya?" She asked in an uncertain voice.

"Trixie!" Katya screamed out in joy as she ran out into the water and wrapped Trixie up in a tight embrace before spinning her around in the air. "It's really you, you're alive."

"You saved me... Y-you freed me." Trixie sobbed into her neck. "Thank you."

"I thought I'd failed, I thought you were dead." Katya replied as tears started to escape her too.

"For a minute so did I." Trixie joked. "I heard you say the spell... I heard it in my mind, so I held onto the locket and repeated it as well as I could, but I did not know if it would work."

"Did it really work? Can you leave the lake?" Katya asked, pulling away slightly.

"I think so." Trixie said with a small nod. 

Katya took the girl's hand and lead her up towards the dry soil, but right at the edge of the water Trixie stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong? Did it not work? Are you still tied to the lake?"

"I just got nervous... My apologies." Trixie replied with an apologetic smile before taking the final step onto dry land. "I.... I can leave... I can finally leave the lake!"

"You're free!" Katya yelled out in joy, lifting Trixie up once again and twirling her around before letting both her feet touch the green grass at the edge of the forest.

"Uhm... Who are they?" Trixie asked, finally realizing that they were not alone by the lakeside.

"Oh, these are my friends. This is Ron, and this is Jack." Katya introduced.

"It's nice to meet you, Trixie." Ron greeted.

"Yes, lovely to finally make your acquaintance, Beatrice." Jack said.

"Oh, I nearly forgot! Jack, you and Trixie are related, you're both descendants of Elizabeth Green!" Katya suddenly remembered.

"We are?" Jack asked in surprised.

"I... I have a family?" Trixie asked, tears finding her eyes again.

"Of course you do! Jack by blood, and I should hope... me, by choice?" Katya replied, feeling a bit shy. "That is if you still wish to stay by my side?"

"Katya... There is nothing in this world or the next which I could ever want more than to stay by your side. I thought you knew that with certainty already..." Trixie said with a soft smile and a seriousness in her tone that assured Katya that every word was true. "I love you, across the universe and back, and even more still, I love you... I love you in this life and the next, and in the one after that I shall certainly love you still. I will love you no matter when or where we exist, I know it. I know I will continue loving you for all eternity, for there is no like you, Katya. So I am yours, forever. If you will have me?"

"If I will? Of course, I will! As long as you will have me, I will. For I am yours as you are mine, Trixie. I love you, and I still can't believe you're here, in my arms, and that we are finally free to start a life together." Katya replied, pulling Trixie into another tight embrace before peppering her with sweet kisses, wanting to shower the girl with love for forever.

"Well, we should probably leave if you are too start a new life freely. Mr. Moore's men will search for him, and your mother will search for you. If you wish to be free then you must leave tonight, Katya." Jack said.

"Jack's right. It won't be safe for either of you to return to the village. If Trixie is ever suspected of being the nixie then people will try to harm her to get their revenge, not to mention that love between two women isn't commonly accepted around here. And then with your mother and Hunter's men chasing you on top of that... it's too risky. Leave tonight, take Jack's carriage and get as far away from town as you can." Ron chimed in.

"What about the proof from the shoebox?" Katya asked.

"I will take care of it. I will make sure the Moore household is shamed for their crimes, do not worry. I want justice for my mother, and I will not rest until I get it." Jack promised. "Now go, before anyone sees you."

"Thank you, both of you, for everything." Katya said sincerely.

"Yes, thank you, for helping Katya and for helping me." Trixie added.

"We'll see you again some day, I'm sure of it. And if you can, please write to let us know you're safe." Ron said.

"We will, I promise." Katya assured him.

And with that they disappeared, between tall trees and beautiful flowers, the two women disappeared like a whisper that was carried away by the wind.

Beware of the Water Lilies ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now