To First Love

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Shades of green and blue surrounded her, the cold water swirling around her and lulling her into a deep sleep. White waterlilies were growing overhead, their vines stretching down below the surface and wrapping themselves around her, holding her in place.
The yellow flowers were nearly all gone by now.

She was running out of time.

She could hear animals moving closer to the lake than before, hear birds starting to fly above it. Nature was reclaiming the land bit by bit, the plants all preparing themselves for the death of the lake's nixie. A warm tear left her, not for fear of death, but for fear of disappearing without a chance to say goodbye. She could feel herself grow weaker for every day that passed, finding it increasingly difficult to find the power to hold on. So, before she let sleep capture her in her watery grave, she whispered;

"If I die here, if I die without seeing her again, please let her know how much I loved her. Let her know that she was my first and only love, and that my love for her is eternal. Please let me watch over her in my next life, no matter where I go, give me chance to protect her. Let her never feel the guilt of taking a life such as I have, let her feel no guilt over my death either. If death is truly the fate I must suffer, I will accept it, but spare her, please. Let my love protect her in this life, and the next. For she is everything to me." 

And with that the nixie's eyes closed, the last of her strength to fight back now gone. Around her she could hear only the soft movements of the water, could feel only how her hair moved with the waves. But just then, a familiar voice filled her mind, a voice which repeated the same verses over and over again like a prayer;

"In waters deep my feet are bound
My voice has been a deadly sound
But free me now and let me be
with the one who fought for me

So cruel my fate for here I stand
Amongst all of those who died by my hand
A punishment for both me and him
who betrayed my trust and let it all begin

So free me now and let me be
with the one who fought for me
Let my feet touch dry soil again
Let this torment reach it's end"

A holy plea to the heaven's above, a plea so earnest it could only be made for your one true love.

Suddenly a sharp silver sword pierced the surface of the water, cutting through the waves and the vines and piercing itself straight into the nixie's heart. An unbearable pain filled her as her eyes flew open wide, but she could not find strength to scream nor fight back. Soon the shades of green and blue surrounding her turned purple and red instead, her blood swirling around in the water as another tear escaped her.

"So this is it. This is goodbye... Oh, what a foolish way to die... I could have sworn I was just in her arms, and yet alone I shall fade into oblivion. I thought I had more time... I thought I would have more time with you... My love. My Katya." Trixie thought, still not willing to accept the cruel fate.

She used the last of her power then, reaching up to clutch the gold locket which Katya had gifted her, and with a shaking voice she repeated the words she heard in her mind, begging for it to somehow save her and return her to her love. 

Beware of the Water Lilies ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now