Chapter 14

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'Hey kaitlyn' I felt someone poking my cheek 'Babe wake up'

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Kian, who was hovering above me 'What?'

'Did you really mean what you said?' He laid back down next to me in bed

I turned to the side and looked at him 'What do you mean? Why would I say that I loved you and not mean it'

'Oh well I don't know I just thought with Jc here that you know' he shrugged 'You were just saying it to make me feel better'

'Awe Kian I would never do that. I do mean it, I love a lot' I chuckled

He smiled 'I love you too' he kissed me and laid back down.

'So what are we gonna do today?' I set my head on his chest

'I don't know, chill maybe go to the mall?'

'Hmm sounds good, I'll get dressed and ask the other guys' I rolled out of bed and pulled on my white skinny jeans, a grey tanktop and my pink cardigan.

'You're so cute' Kian said, getting out of bed.

I quickly pulled my hair into a high ponytail and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his and kissed him 'No you'

He flicked my ponytail and laughed 'Why don't you go ask everyone if they wanna come with us and I'll get dressed'

'Okay, but I mean I think you should just stay like that'

'In my underwear?'

I laughed 'Yeah you look hot' I blew him a kiss and walked out of the room.

'Hi Sammy' I smiled and sat next to Sam on the couch

'Well you're in a good mood' he reached over and gave me a hug 'Surprising with everything that's going on'

I shrugged 'I guess the fact that no one is mad, I just feel better'

He smiled 'Good, I like seeing you happy'

'Yeah me too. So where is everyone?'

'Oh Jc and Eric went skating and then to the mall.'

'How come you didn't go?'

'I'm not feeling to good' he rubbed his stomach and frowned at me.

'Awe I'll have to take care of you then' I laughed

'I'd be mad if you didn't' he also laughed

'You guys have the weirdest relationship' Kian plopped down on the couch with us.

'Awe babe you jealous' I leaned over and gave him a kiss

He chuckled 'No. I hate being sick. But I wouldn't mind you taking care of me'

I smirked, got off the couch and headed to the kitchen. I was getting Sam some water when Eric and Jc came through the back door

'I thought you guys were going to the mall' I said as sat at the counter

'Eh decided against it's Eric shrugged 'Where's Sam?'

'In the living room with Kian, he doesn't feel good.'

'Okay thanks' he smiled and walked to the living room.

'Hi' Jc smiled at me.

'Hi' I smiled back and blushed a bit. 'So how are you, really?' I stopped what I was doing and looked at him.

He sighed 'I don't know. I want to be happy, but its hard.' He looked down 'I thought coming here would help but I dont think it is'

I walked over to him and gave him a hug 'I'm sorry Jc. It was really heartless what I did, I shouldn't have gotten with Kian so soon. I just -' I sighed 'I just don't know what I was thinking'

He let go and set his hand on my cheek 'I think we both made huge mistakes'

'See I dont know that though. I love Kian'

'Yeah but I know you love me more'

I locked eyes with him 'Jc, I-'

He leaned in and kissed me hard, at first I didn't know what to do but soon I began to kiss him back. I couldn't help it, it felt like home.


Twitter: @fueledbysierra


Insta: fueledbysierra

Tumblr: sampepperoncini


Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now