Chapter 10

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It's been about two weeks since the whole incident with Jc and he still hasn't called me or tried to contact me in anyway. But I've tried hard to forget that and just focus on being happy again.

I woke up with Kian's arms wrapped around me, I smiled and kissed his shoulder. He groaned a bit and rolled over letting go of me. I grabbed the sheet off of my bed and wrapped it around myself and got up heading over to Sam's room.

I lightly knocked on the door "Come in" I heard him mumble

"Hi" I went and sat down on the bed next to him

"You could have gotten dressed before coming over" he gave me a look and lightly laughed

"Umm at least I'm covered, I can't even count the times you've come into my room completely naked because you couldn't find a towel"

"Touche" he poked my cheek and laughed "So is he still sleeping"

"Is who still sleeping?" Kian walked into the room and sat on the little couch by the window

"See at least he put boxers on" Sam pointed over to Kian

"Oh my god fine, I'll be right back" I got up and left the room. I dropped the sheet and slipped on some shorts and a sweatshirt.

"Happy?" I smiled sitting next to Kian on the couch and looking over at Sam, who was still in his bed.

"Yes" He got out of bed and walked to his closet, quickly coming out in jeans and a tshirt "My parents are coming home today, we have to go grocery shopping" he slipped on a beanie and grabbed his phone off the dresser

"Hmmm ok, I'll go put pants on" I looked out the window "It looks kind of cold"

Kian laughed and wrapped his arms around me "I'll keep you warm" he whispered into my ear

I giggled and got up "I'm sure you will'

"Oh my god you guys" Sam rolled his eyes and left the room.

We got back a while later and as Sam and I were putting the groceries away Levi came bursting through the door.

"KIIIIAAANNN!" he ran to the counter jumping up to Kian

"Hey buddy how was your trip" Kian lifted him up and set him on his lap

Levi shrugged "Good, you guys should have come though"

"We will next time ok" Kian grabbed at his nose

Levi giggled and slid off of his lap. "Hi Kaitlyn" he wrapped his arms around my legs and looked up at me

I set the box of cereal I had in my hands down and squatted down giving him a hug "Hi handsome, I missed you"

"I missed you more" he smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek "Where's Jc?"

Sam came and squatted by us on the floor and gave Levi a hug "He went home"

"Who went home?" Sam's mom appeared and sat at the counter with Kian

"Jc" I stood up and leaned against the counter

"Oh how come?" she had a worried look on her face

I looked over at Sam and he also stood up "We'll tell you later mom" he looked down at Levi, who had grabbed onto my leg again.

"Ohhhhh" she raised an eyebrow "Ok" she smiled at me and left the room

"I'm going to go play" Levi smiled and went up to his playroom.

"Uuugggghhhhhh" I set my head onto the counter

"It's ok babe"Kian walked over and began to rub my back

"I just don't know how to explain all of this" I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck "It's all just so crazy"

Sam sat at the counter "It'll be fine, it's not like everyone is gonna hate you"

"I guess you're right" I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge

"And well everyone loves me so, you now dating me is just a big plus to this shitty situation" Kian laughed and sat next to Sam at the counter

I rolled my eyes and sat on the counter "I guess we'll just see"

"Staying for dinner Kian?" Sam's mom asked from the kitchen a bit later

"If that's ok with you!" Kian yelled from the couch

"Of course! We love having you here"

Kian looked at me and smiled "Told you"

I rolled my eyes again. I pushed myself off of the couch and headed upstairs to change. After putting on some beige skinny jeans and Sam's black crewneck I found on my floor, I decided to check my phone - still nothing. The fact that Jc wasn't trying to reach me in anyway was really a wake up call to how shit that relationship was.

"You ok?" Kian poked his head into my room

"I'm fine, why?" I smiled and pulled my hair into a ponytail

"Oh no reason" he smiled and gave me a kiss. "dinner is ready, so lets go....I'm starving" Kian rubbed his stomach

"You're always starving" I smiled and left the room

"Ahhh you know me so well"

"So Kaitlyn, what happened hunny?" Sam's mom leaned across the table after dinner giving me her whole attention

I took a deep breathe and explained everything, from Corey to Kian. Surprisingly, I didn't shed a tear - Kian's hand traveled over to mine and he smiled at me.

"Aw well I'm sorry to hear that" Sam's stepdad pitched in after I was done "But to be honest..." He looked over at Kian "I think you two fit much better"

"I know right!" Sam threw his hands up and laughed

After dessert, Sam's parents went over to the neighbor's for drinks so we were left to watch Levi.

"Ummm excuse me but you can't just eat Skittles like that" I pulled the bowl away from Sam and Kian "You can't just take a handful and shove them in your mouth. You have to take a handful, separate them by color then eat whichever has the least amount first"

"We don't need your OCD opinions" Kian grabbed the bowl back and shoved another handful into his mouth flashing me a huge smile

"Ugh whatever" I crossed my arms and chuckled at him

He leaned across the table and gave me a kiss

'Mmmm you taste like a rainbow"

"We'll I did have skittles" he laughed

"Kaitlyn?!" Levi came running down the stairs

"Yeah cutie?" I turned my chair around to face him

"Ummmm Jc is on the phone" he handed me my phone and ran up the stairs back to his playroom

Sam and Kian both looked at me

I took a deep breath and brought my phone up to my ear 'Hello?'

Like We Did (Sequel to It's Not Goodbye It's Brb)Where stories live. Discover now