Perdóname Por Favor (Forgive me Please)

729 16 36

Tw: Angst, bullying and homophobic slurs

Finneys POV:

Oh wow Robin just confessed to me in English..

Did he learn all this for me?..

I mean I like him too but what if the school finds out

What if.. my dad finds out. I would be dead.

"Finn?" He snaps his fingers to wake me up from zoning out.

"Im sorry." I get my things and leave him confused.

I wished knew that would mess up our friend ship...

No one's POV:

"¿Entonces te dejó sin darte ninguna respuesta?" Vance asks
(So he left you without giving you any answer?)

"Sí, y me cabrea porque hice todo este trabajo solo para él y luego se va como quien hace eso" Robin says angrily
(yes, and it pisses me off because I did all this work just for him and then he leaves like who does that)

"Wow, lo siento mucho por ese hombre. Trataré de hablar con Bruce al respecto." Vance tells him
(Wow, Im so sorry for that man. I'll try to talk to Bruce about it.)

"Hm, has estado saliendo mucho con bruce. te gusta el? como mas que un amigo?" Robin asks

Vance hesitated  before he told Robin.

He was scared to tell him about that but Robin has trusted him with so many information that maybe he can trust Robin too.

"Sí. pero por favor no se lo digas a nadie. nadie sabe que soy gay además de ti y algunos otros amigos" Vance begged
(Yeah. But please don't tell anyone. no one knows i'm gay besides you and a few other friends)

"oh, por supuesto, me alegro de que confiaras en mí lo suficiente como para decírmelo. Tus secretos a salvo conmigo" Robin tells him
(oh of course, I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me. Your secrets safe with me)

Vance just nods and tells him that he's going to Bruce's house to talk about the situation.

They say their goodbyes and Vance heads to Bruces house.

Vances POV:

"What?! Finney just walked away? Thats so weird thats not like him at all.." Bruce panicked a little

"I agree but now Robins all upset and he probably wont talk to him at school. What should we do??" I ask

"Sadly we just have to see where it goes. I know when Finney makes a mistake he apologizes right way" He explains

"Eh I guess that makes sense. Welp I'll see you at school." I wave goodbye 

I head back to my place and all I could think about was bruce.

His prefect smile his prefect hair his prefect everything.

He's just the definition of prefect.

There's no way he would like me.. He's the most liked in our school.

All girls are crazy over him. I mean who wouldn't? Its Bruce Yamada

Anyways. I hope everything works out for rinney. Maybe if it does I could confess.

Finneys POV:

**time skip to school time**

Shit I have school today that means I see robin.

He probably hates me but I'm still gonna try to apologize. 

I walk into school and head to my locker.

I put my stuff away and see the long hair brunette walk past.

"Wait Robin!" I chase after him

He just ignores me and heads to his class.

This is going to be a long day. 

I head to math class and ask to use the bathroom.

The teacher says yes and I go to the bathroom.

It was most likely the wrong timing..

I walk into the bathroom to see my three bullies in front of me.

Matt, Matty and Buzz.. (I think thats their names?)

"Oh look its a faggot again! What did we tell you about going to the boys bathroom. This bathroom isn't for fags!" Matty yelled out while pushing to me the ground.

I groan in pain and while trying to get up they all start beating me up.

"P-please!! Stop!!" I yelled out 

"What's that faggy boy?" Matty says while grabbing me by my neck

"S-stop! I-I c-c-cant b-b-breathe!" I say trying to breathe

While this was happening Robin walked in.

"¿Que está pasando aqui?" Robin asks

(What's going on here)

They all stop and look at him scared.

"You can go now." Robins says

As they walk to the door robin grabs Matty by the his arm.

"Vete a la mierda con Finn otra vez y te mataré." Robin says in a angry tone 

(Fuck with Finn again and I'll kill you.)

Matty just nods as robin let's go.

"T-thanks Robin." I say

"Mm." Robin says while going to the sink to wash his hands

"Look Robin I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" Robin cuts Finney off

"Its fine you don't like me? Its fine" Robin says while heading to the door

"Wait wait wait!" I run to him grabbing his arm not too hard so I don't hurt him.

"Robin I do like you.. so much. I appreciate the fact that you learned a bit English just for me. The reason why I ran off is because I was shocked and afraid that people would find out. Which I don't care I'm with you but its just my dad. He's very.. I wanna say scary. Not a good person at all and he would get mad at me if he found out." I say pretty fast but not too fast so Robin could understand

"Why didnt you say that? You got me sad all weekend. I thought you hated me cuz I'm.. you know" Robin says a bit angrily

"I know I know I'm sorry but look once I figure everything out I promise I'll tell you. I just need time." I tell him

"Ok." He says

We head back to class.

Luckily the teacher didn't really care cuz she was teaching.

To be continued... (Sorry for the short chapter) 


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