Tutoria (Tutoring)

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No ones Pov:

Finney went to the library waiting for Robin.

While Finney was waiting for Robin he decides to get his math homework out because thats what they will be working on for today.

Robin luckily remembered his way going to the library.

He walks in and sees Finney.

He sits next to Finney and starts to talk

"Hola Finn como estas?" Robin asks

(Hi finn how are you)

Luckily Finney understood what that meant he just didnt really know how to respond

"Uhhhh bien... y.. tu??" Finney says kind of confused

(Uhhhh good and you)

Robin let out a chuckle at Finney's confusion "Bien. Gracias" Robin replies

(Good thank you)

Finney nods and starts explaining what they are gonna do the best he can

"So... you are going to times the.... cinco to the.. uh doco.. and you get uhm sorry I dont know 60 in Spanish but thats your answer" Finney says nervously

Robin notices that Finn's shaking his leg so he decides to put a hand on his leg to try to calm him down.

"Oye, está bien, lo estás haciendo muy bien. Por cierto, ¿te dije que eres muy bonito?" Robin says smiling

(Hey its okay, you're doing great. By the way, did I tell you that you are very pretty?)

Finney didnt understand a word he said but the fact that he put his hand on his leg to calm him down makes him go crazy, but why is he feeling this way he just met this guy and its super weird..

"Ehh.. Lo siento. Uhm want to.. go.. at... my house?" Robin tries his best to speak English to make him less nervous

(Lo siento means im sorry)

Finney smiles and calms down a bit knowing he speaks a bit English.

"Sure! Uhhh I need to call mi.. hermana if its bien" Finney scratches the back of his head knowing that made no sense.

Robin nods.

The boys go to the library phone and Finney calls Gwen

"Hey Gwenny its Finney is it ok if I spend some time at a new friends house. He needs help with math and English." Finney asks

"Yea thats okay Dad wont be home today luckily he's at work all day." Gwen replies

"Okay great! Are you going to be okay home alone??" Finney asks worriedly

"Oh yea totally take your time! If you need me call me love you" Gwen says politely

"Okay if you say so love you too" Finney says before hanging up

Finney gives the thumbs up and Robin nods.

The boys start walking to Robins house. They stay in silence for most of the time.

Eventually they arrive at Robins house.

Robin knocks on the door and his mother opens the door.

"Hola mijo como estuvo la escuela y de quien es?" His mother asks while allowing them in

(Hello my son, how was school and who is this?)

"Hola mamá, la escuela fue realmente buena y este es mi nuevo amigo Finn. el me va a ayudar con ingles y matematicas" Robin explains

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