Chapter 3 - Research

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Over the next two days, James and I had set up a lovely camp made up of three tents, an outdoor kitchen canopy with mini barbecue as well as two chairs sat around a makeshift bonfire which we hadn't come to use yet.

The initial venture into the jungle was intimidating and armed with only two machetes and our knowledge of the known jungles; we were a combination of fear and intrigue.

Due to the small size of the forest, it is known there is a lack of larger predators and dangers therefore we decided a guide was unnecessary.

Our understanding of jungles around the world was vast so we know the difference between poisonous and safe vegetation, animals and insects.

Of course, as researchers, we were kitted with safety equipment and the idea to find something new - perhaps groundbreaking.

"I think I might be done for the day James."

My backpack had begun to dig into my shoulders and the machete had begun a blister of two between my index finger and thumb.

We had been traveling deeper into the forest today, sampling, photographing, testing.

My watch read 5:30pm, confirming our need to go.

"Of course, of course. There was just one more sample I wanted to grab before we head out. You see that silverfish plant growing on the tree back there?"

It was a fair point for him to want to grab the sample, a rare jungle vegetation shimmered in the low light - Ardisia Silver.

We made our way over to it, James leading the way almost bouncing.

"Look there's even a small grassy patch for a picnic isn't that nice." He smiled at me whilst taking a clipping.

Although he wasn't wrong, the area was peaceful. Vines grew on the surrounding trees with only a few patches of light shining through.
There was a small patch of grass and leaves that would probably only fit one medium to large picnic blanket.

"You're right. It's very nice."

I laughed and smiled at James while he stood up again, walking back towards me but stopping in the middle of the grass to admire the beauty.

"Come join me. Look where we are! What has it been? A 4 long months of fighting for jurisdiction over this amazing place."

His laughs filled the trees and I couldn't help but join in.

It's true. We had worked hard over the short period, proving that we were the perfect people for the job. And we're finally here.

I placed my bag down from off my shoulders, relieving myself of the weight of both the bag and the journey to get to the island.

James looked at me smiling and started walking towards me, arms out.

Mere feet before he reached me the ground seemed to vanish beneath him, slipping slightly and then dropping suddenly.

Instinctively, he grabbed for the first thing around him to save him, but due to my build and his size, it was all for naught.

We both slid directly through what seemed to be a portal between the leaves and grass, into dark and unfamiliar territory.


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