Chapter 2 - Travel

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"He was a bit rude wasn't he."

"He doesn't speak English James."

"So? I didn't need to speak his language to know he was being insulting."

After a long list of flights and boarders, we had finally reached the last of the transport to our island, and James was at the end of his line, ready for a much needed sleep.

"Don't worry, we're going to get into the boat, get a long and comfortable sleep in proper beds and be at the island in no time!"

I'm not sure my positivity on the matter helped as he dumped his bag on the pier and slumped against on of the wooden poles as we waited for our captain to arrive.

Only a few moments later, a man dressed in nothing but a pair of shorts and flip flops found his way towards us, dragging his feet across the near broken wooden boards.

"Yer them scientists?"

Unsure of whether this man was our captain or not, we nodded unspoken.

"Git on then. Gon be a full day b'tween here 'n thar. Got some a them beds next the galley on the port side but don't s'pect no meals fo the ride."

He jumps onto the small monohull yacht signaling for us to follow, and James gives me a very sombrely look before loading on his backpack and following.

Although the beds weren't as bad as expected, not much sleep followed me due to my excitement of the next few days; although, the same cannot be said for James as almost immediately he was met with sea sickness.

Poor man passed out on the bathroom floor, refusing to move until we arrived.

A day later and land was ahoy. I watched, intoxicated by the beauty of the jungle. Thrilled as the anchor was set down and the dingy was placed in the water.

Here we are.

Getting in the small boat to head to the island shore our boat captain turned to us for some final instructions.

"Alrighty, rememba where I told yalls to set camp? Next to them two coconut trees making that there X? Is at the edge of the jungle, easy to find yous when ya finished."

"Will you be coming ashore with us?"

"Ah no. Them trees give me the shits. Locals have bad stories with them trees."

Of course James and I had heard the stories and myths of the small jungle awaiting our arrival as we neared the white shore, but that was all they were. Stories and myths.

When James and I both had two feet on the ground and our research material and camping equipment were unloaded from the boat; the captain stuck to his word and got straight back into the boat.

"I'll be back in a week. Be packed an' ready te go. I'm not 'bout come up there and get cha."

He didn't waste time, turned the small dinghy around and rode out back to the sail boat.

I turned to face James and the jungle. It's massive trees loomed not far from where we had been dropped off.

"You ready?"

James asked, pulling on his backpack and motioning towards one of the bigger boxes, one that needed two people to carry.

"Yeah, let's go!"


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