Chapter 1 - Adventure

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I find myself sat, once again, amidst a pile of books mixed with maps and images scattered around the office floor.
They all stare up towards the ceiling, not caring if I am able to discover their secrets or untangle the truth spread amongst the myths.

To the untrained eye, I could possibly disappear into the piles of paper? But anyone dare touch the organised mess I have created, they may lose an arm.

"Marie dear!"

The distant sound of my mother making her way up the office door brings me out of my thoughts. I stare directly at the door for the inexorable open.

As expected, the door flys open taking a few loose pieces of paper to fly off the surfaces on which they were on and fall slowly to the ground.
Not going unnoticed by myself, I fought the urge to glare at my mother for her interruption to myself and my papers.

"I've been calling you for a while now, did you not hear me?"

That was a very pointed statement. Of course I didn't.

"James is here again. But please don't make a mess anywhere outside this room, I had a hard time getting the clay out of the lounge carpet."

At the mention of James I had already jumped off the floor, thanking my mother hurriedly as I ran out the door.


The excitement was overwhelming! He would only be here for one reason, something we've both been waiting for.

"Marie, my dear. This is it."

The words we'd been waiting to hear, longing to say.
It's finally time.

James and I had been working meticulously for months, researching and documenting.
Our days and nights were spent behind computers and surrounded by books searching for ways in which our expedition could become a reality.

We worked hard so that he, a silviculturist, and myself, an ecologist, could venture into one of the worlds most overgrown island jungle and research it's growth.

The jungle had only just been discovered a few months prior and although quite small, we wanted to be the first to research its wildness.

The next week was a blur.

Packing and preparing for one of the most exciting adventures of my life, the week couldn't go any slower as my excitement grew.

Before I knew it, James and I were on our final flight; cramped in a small plane on the way to the island where history may or may not be made.


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