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When the four children arrived at Hogsmead station, they filled the carriages.

"What are those?" Harry questioned. He seemed to be staring into space.

"What's what, Harry?" Hermione tried to see what Harry was looking at, but there was nothing there.

"The thing that moves the carriage," Harry continued.

"There's nothing pulling the carriages, Harry," Hermione answered, looking at him skeptically. "They move themselves, just like always."

"Don't worry," a blond girl smiled. She had been consumed in The Quibbler. "You're not going insane. I can see them, too."

"Thank the gods," Percy muttered under his breath.

"This is Loony-" Hermione stopped herself, looking at them with a mixture of guilt and embarrassment. "Luna Lovegood."

"Nice to meet you," Percy grinned.

"So," Hermione started. "You're from America?"

"Yes, yes I am," Percy replied. He looked at the horse. It was really creeping him out.

"Why come to England?"

"Dumbledore and I are long lost buddies, and he needed someone that he could trust. Apparently you guys don't have a lot of trustworthy people?"

"Don't I know it," Ron muttered, thinking of his good-for-nothing brother Percy. "All of our Defense Against The Dark Arts Professors either died, left, or backstabbed Dumbledore."

Percy glanced at the creature.

"What is that thing?" He asked, repeating Harry's question.

"They're thestrals," Luna smiled. "Only people who have witnessed death can see them."

Everyone was silent.

"Well, that's one creepy horse," Percy muttered under his breath.

I'm not a horse! I'm a thestral!

Alrighty then, Percy thought. He shook his head and went back to the conversation, trying to ignore the creepy gaze of the demonic horse.

"I hope they have pudding," Luna smiled after a long moment of awkward silence.

As they made their way to the great hall, and Percy was sorted into his house, Gryffindor, he sat at the head table. He watched Professor Dumbledore make his speech, but was rudely interrupted by a woman wearing all pink. She had a toad-like face and was short and fat. A permanent scowl was set across her ugly face, and she made a little cough to get everyone's attention.

"EH-Hem....Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome....The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of a vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this... historic school, progress, for the sake of progress, must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be... prohibited!"

Percy rolled his eyes.


Harry and his friends couldn't be more confused.

"What does that mean?" Ron and Harry questioned.

"It means...." Hermione started, looking at the boys.

"It means the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts."

Percy Jackson Teaches At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now