🌑 Short Introduction <-x

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Hey there! I'm Koko, the author of this story. Nice to see you here!

This first part is to serve as a quick little introduction to this AU. First off...


Shortly after Christmas on Planet Popstar, Kirby and their friends meet two new faces — Hara, the kind spirit of one of the old Heroes of Yore and a close confidant of Galacta Knight's, and Poko, a young Star Warrior who recently completed training, seeking out Kirby's assistance in a mission of hers.

Poko tells Kirby she detected a dark, corrupting energy in Popstar's Solar System — an energy she's heard of before during training, said to be incredibly dangerous, an energy only able to be eradicated by the strongest of Star Warriors. Knowing Kirby as Soul Knight, a title he gained after defeating and purifying Void a year ago, Poko asks him to help her destroy the source of this negative energy once and for all.

Wholeheartedly and determined to keep his friends safe, he agrees, and he, along with Poko, Bandana Waddle Dee, and Galacta Knight set off on a grand journey to save Gamble Galaxy!

A Journey... of the Soul!


Kirby — A young Star Warrior with incredibly powerful magic. (he/they)

Shadow Kirby — Kirby's mirror-world counterpart, ever so slightly less powerful than the other. (they/he)

Galacta Knight — An ancient Star Warrior, sealed away thousands of years ago over false conviction of crime. (he/him)

Bandana Waddle Dee — A tough, spear-wielding Waddle Dee who serves under the command of King Dedede, and accompanies Kirby on many of their adventures. (he/him)

Poko (OC) — A young-adult Star Warrior who embarked on a mission to find and destroy a dark energy with the help of her idol, Kirby. She seems to be hiding something... (she/her, they/them in 'character breaks')

Hara (OC) — An old spirit of Galacta Knight's now deceased partner, who has a very strong attachment to Kirby, despite not knowing them. (she/her)

Morpho Knight — A Grim Reaper, made specifically for the Kirby Multiverse. (they/them)

Empress (OC) — An odd and powerful being of unknown origin, who acts as a sort of 'mother figure' to Kirby. (they/them)

King Dedede — The self-proclaimed King of Dreamland. (he/him)

Meta Knight — A Draconic-Star Warrior hybrid who once bested Galacta Knight in a duel, earning him the title of Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy before Kirby took the title for themselves. (he/him; will be referred to by his real name, Ione.)

Queen Ripple — The Queen of Rippletta or Ripple Star. (she/her)

Ribbon — An oddly powerful young Fairy who serves under Queen Ripple. (she/her)

Fecto Elfilis — A stubborn spirit with great Psychic Magic who just refuses to be reaped. (they/them)

Genesis Fiktra (OC) — Elfilis' romantic partner who conquered planets with them many times before their imprisonment. (they/them)

Ultima (OC) — The manifestation of pure negativity, even more powerful and destructive than Void Termina, with a strange vendetta against Kirby. (it/its)

The Wanderer (OC) — An old, retired Star Warrior, mapping out every corner of the universe. (he/they)

Myaha (OC) — An android built in ancient times, made to serve under the Heroes of Yore. (he/him)

Void — A Creator Entity, born billions of years ago, who acts as a sort of tutor for Kirby and other young and powerful Star Warriors. (they/them)

Nevao (OC) — A Draconic scientist from 2,000 years ago, who previously worked for Discovera, and died during the Warp-Experiment Incident; now runs her own company and researches the odd entities residing in Gamble Galaxy. (she/her)

'Eterna Hero' (OC) — A long-dead Star Warrior of great power, remembered only by few. (she/her)

Hano (OC) — Meta Knight's mom. (she/her)

(Note: there are a few characters not included in this list, either because I forgot about them or they're not important to the story. If it's the former, then they will be added when I remember.)


This book is planned to contain body horror, character death, and descriptions of gore in later chapters. Take care of yourself — I'll put trigger warnings when necessary.


Chapter updates will be pretty slow. I have autism, which causes executive dysfunction, which means I will likely spend most of my time literally not working on this at all since my brain won't let me. Be warned, and don't be surprised if it takes multiple months for a chapter to come out.

This is gonna have some selfships (as is clear with Fiktra being Liz's partner) and also some yummy tasty MetaGala for flavor. Just so ya know.

There'll be updates on chapter progress (and a few sneak peeks, as well as character refs and other stuff like that) on my tumbr. Well, tumblrs, plural. My main is @/goblinboykoko, and my Kirby AU sideblog is @/kirby-souljourney-au. Asks are open on both blogs, so if you have any questions for me (and also have an account), then send 'em there!

I drew the cover art! Pretty much all the art here will be made by me, so you can go ahead and just assume that unless I specifically state otherwise.

At some point, I will be making original songs for this story! They'll be uploaded to my YouTube channel (@/goblinboykoko) and shared on my tumblr as well — go check them out when they're released :}

I am, unfortunately, a complete amateur. This is the first time in actual years I've tried to write a full book with this much forethought and planning. If my writing sucks, I'm sorry, I'm just dumb. Constructive criticism is very very appreciated!!

As far as I can tell, this is all I really need to put for now. So then, let's get on with the actual story, eh?

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