❌ Chapter A - The True Ultimate Life-Form (Teaser)

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It was going somewhere. Where was it going? It didn't know. Just somewhere. It senses a very powerful being somewhere in this universe, in this galaxy. It's nearing the solar system the being is in at alarming speeds.

Still. Too. Slow.

It didn't warp, even though it could. It just kept flying through the stars, only a little faster. This was as fast as it could go without warping.

Still. Too. Slow.

What kind of God can't get to its destination when it wants to? Pathetic, really, of the Ultimate Life-form itself.

Go. Faster.
Can't. Go. Faster.
Must. Go. FASTER.

It didn't have time for thinking. What kind of God berates itself for something so insignificant?

It stopped in its tracks.

It roared loudly. Nobody heard it. This was in space, after all — the sound waves it produced could not be carried.

Good. Nobody needed to know it was there.

Nobody would know it was there until it was too late.

"Goodbye. Meaningless universe."
"Ultima. Marks. Your demise."

It continued speeding towards its destination.

Warp speed.

A gorgeous planet of green plains and forests, sandy golden deserts, warm autumnal trees, blue oceans, and snowy tundras awaits.

Ultima cares not for its beauty.

All it cares for is the destruction of the Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy.

It will win this time. It has to. It absolutely refuses to accept another humiliating defeat like the last one, millennia ago.


Soon. I will. Regain. What I. Have lost."

It narrows its many eyes at the planet the energy signature emanates from.

This is the home of its mortal enemy.

The one who destroyed it, innumerable years ago.

"Soul Knight. You. Will not. Defeat me. This time."


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