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"There!" Scooby-Doo says as he points at a stump as the group finds it at night.

"All these years I was searching the wrong oak tree." Ben says.

"Right. I believe this is was left of the tree where Sarah did her healing. You never even noticed it because it was cut down hundreds of years ago. It's up to you to dig it Scooby." Velma says after convincing Scooby-Doo with snacks before he begins digging and eventually digs up a box before Ben gets excited seeing the box.

"You okay Ben?" Daphne asks.

"Just a little excited." Ben says as he opens the box to reveal an evil looking book.

"It looks kinda evil belonging to a wiccan healer." Daphne says.

"I knew it." Alexis says.

"Ben that doesn't seem to be a journal at all." Velma says.

"Because it isn't Velma. It's a spell book. You see Sarah wasn't a Wiccan. She was indeed a witch." Ben says as the others give shocked expressions.

"A real witch?" Thorn asks.

"Heavy." Dusk says.

"Since Sarah's blood runs in my vines I guess that makes me... a warlock." Ben says.

"Warlock?" Scooby-Doo asks.

"The wiccans imprisoned Sarah in her own spell book! And you helped me find it." Ben says.

"You lied to me Ben!" Velma says angrily.

"Well gee. I have to I'd been searching for years. Then I read about your exploits. I knew if anyone can help me find the book. It was you and your friends! I orchestrated the whole mummy scheme paying off the archaeologists and the security guards just to lure you to the museum so we can met. Yes Velma. I tricked you into helping me and it worked." Ben says.

"You were in on Ben's plan too!" Fred says as he looks at Mayor Corey and Mr. McKnight.

"Huh? No! We're surprised as you are uh honest!" Mayor Corey says in alarm.

"For once he's telling the truth. That stupid fake ghost was the town's idea. But it did work to my advantage." Ben says.

"But why go through this crazy scheme? Why not just asked us to find the book?" Daphne asks.

"I know why. Because if we known what that book was we would never have helped him!" Velma says angrily.

"But even you can't imagine the real power of this book. No mere mortal can." Ben says.

"You've been reading too many of your own horror stories Ravencroft." Fred says.

"A typical mortal response but I am descended from a superior breed. I shall unlock the power of the imprisoned Sarah Ravencroft!" Ben shouts.

"Like I don't like the sound of this!" Shaggy says fearfully.

"Me either!" Scooby-Doo says.

"Look!" Alexis says as Ben opens the book as dark clouds begin to appear.

"Together we shall reign supreme! Let the evil from the past breathe again with fiery blast!" Ben shouts as he begins reading from the book.

"No!" Velma shouts.

"Let the dark wind with the night to blow away the force of light! Now we summoned ancient power!" Ben shouts as a tree falls down.

"Ben please stop!" Velma shouts as strong winds blow the group around.

"This is evil's finest hour!" Ben shouts happily as the spell appears and hits him with it.

"No!" Velma shouts as she runs toward Ben.

Light In My Dark Scooby Doo And The Witch's Ghost Thorn X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now