More than a brother

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Okay, so after that last chapter thing, I've taken a long enough break that I've decided I can handle writing another cringy story.

So one time I was reading a fanfic where Biana was an exchange student staying with the Vackers, so her and Fitz weren't actually related. Then something happened that made everyone who read it think the author was trying to get Fitz and Biana together. Thankfully, the author cleared that up, that it was really weird, and there was no way they were going to write that, but I thought that something like that would make a good cringefest. 

This is going to be a human AU just for fun I guess... Anyway, let's say Biana is adopted by the Vackers. Also, this is in Biana's view.

Anyways, hope you enjoy, this shouldn't be as gross as the last one.

Biana Vacker was pretty sure she was going to die of embarrassment. 

Actually, she was positive.

Because she had just told her best friends Sophie, Linh, Marella, and Maruca her crush.

And they were all staring at her like crazy.

Because her crush was basically her brother.

Biana had been adopted at age three by the Vackers, who had two sons, Fitz and Alvar. She was basically a Vacker, and they treated her like one of their own. She even looked like the Vackers. So not a lot of people even knew Biana was adopted. 

"Okay, let me get this straight," Maruca finally said. "You have a crush on your brother?"

"What..." Linh said, trailing off.

"I don't even have words," Sophie said.

"I don't know why," Biana said. "I've just always liked him as... more then a brother."

"What?" Her friends all exclaimed at the same time. 

"Does he know?" Marella asked. 

"Never mind," Biana said. "You guys have got to help me with this."

"Uh, I don't know Biana," Maruca said. "My advice is to forget all about this interesting crush, and think about other guys. Half the school likes you."

"Including Ta-am," Linh added in a sing song voice.

But Biana couldn't forget her crush. Not when she had been living with it for the last six years. So as she layed in her giant bed that night, she came up with a plan to get what she wanted.                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Morning sis," Fitz said as Biana walked downstairs the next morning. Time to put the first part of her plan to action.

"Fitz, can you stop calling me sis please?" Biana asked. 

"Why?" Fitz wondered. "I've always called you sis."

"Yeah," Alvar said. "What the heck Biana."

"I'm not technically your sister, and it makes me uncomfortable," Biana told him.

"Okay," Fitz said, raising an eyebrow. Biana bit her lip. Hopefully Fitz didn't get too suspicious. No. She needed to focus on the next part of her plan. 

She made sure to put extra makeup on, and wear extra cute clothes, so her plan would run as smoothly as possible. She glanced at Fitz and smiled. One of his weaknesses was his jealousy, so that's what she was going to exploit. She ignored Fitz as much as possible as he drove her to school, and got out of the car without saying a word.

"Sophie!" She called, when she saw her familiar blonde friend.

"Hey Biana, you look extra fancy today," Sophie said with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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