Nothing can stop true love (a Soforkle fanfic)

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I'm seriously dreading writing this.

Uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaase don't make me doooooo thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggghhh.

But okay here we go.

So this is set in Aluveterre, just pretend we're back to Neverseen, except Sophie is ready to make some very horrible very interesting life decisions. 

So it's not exactly the time setting as Neverseen, it's the Sophie and Keefe and all of them from Legacy before all the crazy Unlocked stuff happens. So Sophie knows that Forkle had a twin, and her bio mom and all that.

And also, this is going to start with that Cognate exersize where Sophie almost tells Fitz she liked him. It's not exactly written the same way, but just pretend. Like, Yeah I totally forgot what happened except that Sophie almost told Fitz. And also, Keefe's not there to inturrupt this time. In fact... you'll see.

Also, we're gonna pretend we're in chapter 33 of Neverseen cause like, why not.

Okay, get ready to Cringe.

Chapter 33

Sophie was exhausted.

She had just gotten back home from an exhausting day of training at exillium, and all she wanted to do was sleep.

But Mr. Forkle was making her do cognate training with Fitz, who looked really excited for some reason. 

"Okay, do I have permission to enter your brain?" Fitz asked, practically jumping up and down.

"I guess," Sophie mumbled, sitting in a chair across from him.

"This is going to be a good training, I can tell," Fitz said.

"Why?" Sophie wondered. 

"I don't know, I just think it is," Fitz said. He closed his eyes, and she felt him enter her brain.

Okay, we were planning on that secrets exercise, right?  Fitz asked.

Yes, I think so, Sophie said, remembering when Tiergan had first made them do that exercise, and wondering why she felt so jittery all of the sudden. 

Okay, well let's get started, Fitz said.

He started first, telling her that when he was little he used to have an imaginary friend, which made her do an embarrassing snort thing. They kept telling her secrets, until Sophie had one left. But she had no idea what to do.

You know, you could use this opportunity to tell me that one secret you still haven't told me, Fitz said.

But Sophie really didn't want to.

Like, she really, really, really, really didn't want to.

She might die of embarrassment. 

Or of awkwardness.


He would find out sometime.

And maybe...

It would work out.

Okay, she said. I'll tell you.

Was she really going to do this?

Yep, she was.

Take your time, Fitz said. Although, he looked like he didn't want her to take her time.

Sophie gathered up all her mental courage, and took a deep breath.

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