• 8 • dicked down

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With a considerable amount of difficulty, you settled into the chair at the lecture hall. Huffing, you turned around to put down your bag just to shriek and move away.

Jimin was smirking at you.

"Got railed, didn't you?" His extremely vulgur smirk was flummuxing. The way he instantly pin-pointed the reason of your limp was rather hard to belive.

"Holy fuck! Jimin, don't you give me a scare like that again," you scolded him, catching a breath before smacking him in the arm.

"For all I know, it was you who gave me a scare."

"Why?" You looked to the side.

"I thought you had an accident or something, girl. But, nah, seeing this totally besotted look on your face, I assume, you fucked?" He asked, courteously, not hiding the smirk again.

You looked down, blushing and playing with the straps of your bag. Smiling again. "Yeah..." You whisper, enough for him to hear.

"Aw, cute. Gotta hand it to the dude, he's got some real strength down if you're limping like this," he shook his head, as if not believing it.

"Mhm. It was nice. My first," you squeal, punching on air as if doing a victory dance. It felt nice talking about it to somebody finally.

"Drink more water, Y/N. It'll help," he advised, handing you a bottle of water like the charmer, he is, and flashed a smile like the gentleman, he is. Your heart fluttered unknowingly, eyes met his beady ones and the bottle nearly slipped out of your hand.

"Th-Thanks," you murmur, not being able to hide the blush. It just comes about naturally, you're bad at resisting emotions and the way he half-flirts with you isn't easy.

He chuckles and pulls his chair closer to yours, abandoning the books on his side. You lean in thinking he wants to ask something. Turns out, he does.

"This is a platonic request, if you say no, I'll be totally alright, okay?" He says, whispering in your ear. His hands seem to be clammy, breath hushed with anxiousness.

You nod your head, waiting for what he wants to say.

"I'd not mind if you ever wanna...you know...hook up or even something more than that. Just hit me up," he rasps in your ears, sending shivers till your core. The strange idea, Jimin and you. Seemed totally out-of-place in your mind. He was a very supportive and nice friend but you had never thought about being something more.

"O-Oh, no, Jimin..." You look at him with sad eyes. "I'm sorry, I like someone else and I wanna be loyal." You smile at him, giving him a look which says 'hope you understand'.

He doesn't seem to mind, he shrugs. "That's alright, it was a hit or miss."

"You don't mind, do you?" You ask worried, resting your hand on his arm as a comfort. It hurts to be rejected and you know it, been through shit.

"Nope, lots of chicks out there for Chimmy," he claims, absorbed in his own charm. You laugh at him flipping his hair back like a diva. Haven't joked in a while. Watching him goof about, you find faith again that people can actually joke with you, which Jungkook definitely doesn't.

You throw your arms around him and pull him in a side hug. "Aw, Chim-Chimmy. You little dummy, I didn't know you were attracted to me!" You fake punch his head.

To which he replied by twisting your hand and raising his head up, "Attracted my ass, I was just joking. The person who likes you has to have his eyes poked ou- Ouch!" You pinch his stomach.

Just like that, both of you are back to being friends again. You're giggling so hard that you never noticed Olaf sitting right beside you, silent as the night. Unreadable expression on his face, as always.

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