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Silent noise.

That's what you both sat in since you were continuously drinking from your plastic cup and not even glancing at him. It was awkward enough to be in his apartment, let alone the fact that both of you were alone.

Would he like to play something? Probably a game like ludo?

...Or other games?

That guaranteed time pass.

Because, even though you had come over, there was nothing much to do.

His house was pretty. The plants looked alive and green which meant he tended to them regularly. There were huge piles of books. Volumes and volumes of books all over the apartment. He had so many that they had to be kept out in stacks because there wasn't more space left in the shelves.

"You've got a lot of books," you remarked, the most obvious thing. You're just trying to make conversation.

"Helps me cope," he whispered, roving his eyes all over you. Your legs folded on the sofa, cuddled up warmly into the cushions.

You're happy that he responded and get ready for a further convo. Hoping he'll respond because you can't keep sitting in this choking silence. As comfortable as he is with silence, you're it's enemy so you've gotta chat it up.

"Oh! Cope with what? Is something bothering you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Used to."

"What?" Your eyebrows furrow and lines of worry sprout on your face. He must be going through something as well, just can't speak it out.

"Break up," he airs, glaring down at the carpet.

Taken aback, you stare at him and stop sipping from the cup. This revelation makes you turn to him entirely. It doesn't matter if you're his FWB or not, girlfriend or not, you consider him your friend and if he's upset, you feel responsible for lightening him up. He's never spoken about it and it hurts you too. Didn't you deserve to know? You're his friend and he ought to tell you things which are tough for him.

Atleast, you can support him through whatever he's going through.

"You were with someone?" The betrayed crack in your voice doesn't go unnoticed by him and he raised his eyes to check up on you. You don't let your expressions waver much and show all the hurt you're feeling right now.


You gulp, looking down feeling like a child. And, here you were, thinking you both will help each other out and be by each other's sides during tough times like real friends. There wasn't a grain of information with you about his relationship and it stinged bad.

Did he agree to your proposal just because he wants to get over his ex?

Questions about his ex start zooming in your mind. Who was she? How long ago was this? Is she from the college? Do you know her?

"Who...?" You ask, nervously, not sure if you should pry further since he seems to be very private about it. Something in you tells you that he will answer everything you ask since he told you about it, which means he's okay with you knowing. He even invited you to his house and he was opening up to you in his way.


"Jung Iseul? From our batch?" Your shocked screech reverberates through the entire apartment.

He drops his head which you take for a nod.

No, you're not exactly jealous because she is not as fabulous as you. But, still, she is the queenka of your batch. Men wag their tails like dogs for her and she is awfully hot and beautiful. Her Instagram is flooded with followers. She's the idea type too. Her grades are decent-ish, she's popular, knows almost everyone around the campus, has that bomb figure guys long for. Sassy, her Bichon Frisé, is adored by everyone. Even her dog has like 100K followers. The changing diamond rings on her fingers and top-notch clothing shows that she's from an affluent family.

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