Friend Or Woe 3.1

830 19 4

Let's assess, shall we?, Y/n thought. Bag over my head for optimal disorentation, wrists tied tight enough to cut off circulation, and no idea if I'm going to live or die. That's definitely my kind of party. 

Just in that moment, the bag was pulled off of her head. 
Around Y/n and Wednesday were a few people with cloaks and masks on, such as the one under Rowan's bed. 
The kidnappers had put a beamer in front of them, so that they couldn't really see much more. 

Suddenly an anonymous voice asked: "Who dares breach our inner sanctum?"
Y/n almost let out a giggle, it was so pathetic. 
"you can take the mask off, Bianca.", Wednesday said. 
The girl took it off and looked at them angrily and shocked. 
"wait, I preferred you with it on.", Wednesday added. 

And just like this, my hopes are dashed against the rocks of bitter disappointment. Our foe is no psychotic killer. More like a bunch of high school clowns., Wednesday scoffed in Y/n's head through her telepathy. 
Y/n chuckled. "you're right, sis. Rocks of bitter disappointment... You should use that in one of your stories."

The others were confused and thought the girl was losing her mind. 
Wednesday quickly explained: "don't worry, she's not lost her mind yet."
Y/n chuckled again a little: "guys, seriously take your masks off. Xavier?", she asked and looked right into the boy's eyes. 

Everybody took off their masks. 

Xavier asked them confusedly: "How did you get down here?"
"Rowan showed us.", Wednesday answered. "Left pocket."
The boy quickly grabbed the piece of paper in her pocket and unfolded it. 
"we tracked the watermark from the page to the Poe statue.", Wednesday told the bunch.
"the riddles were more than easy to solve.", Y/n continued. 

"wait- there's a riddle?", the merman from the Poe Cup asked. He now had a black eye. "I thought we just snapped twice."
Everybody sighed in annoyance. 
"well, aren't you the brightest in the bunch?", Wednesday commented sarcastically. 

Bianca proclaimed: "the Nightshades are an elite social club. Emphasis on elite."
Yoko continued: "we have roof parties, campouts, the occasional midnight skinny-dip."
A scale went on: "Yoko's an amateur mixologist."
"she makes a killer virgin mojito.", Ajax said. "it can get pretty wild."
"wow do you guys even have a bedtime?", Wednesday continued to joke sarcastically. "last I heard, the Nightshades had been disbanded."
Xavier answered, looking at Y/n once, then at Wednesday: "yeah, the group kinda lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died."
"But we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves.", Yoko explained. 
"someone like Rowan?", Y/n asked. 
"we booted that loser last semester.", Bianca said. 

Then she continued: "question is, what are we gonna do with them now?", she gestured to the twins. "only members are allowed in this library."

Xavier put a hand on Y/n's shoulder and said: "I say we invite them to pledge."
The others were doubtful and a few 'what?'s were audible. 

He continued: "they are legacies."

Bianca argued: "after the crap they pulled in the Poe Cup, tere's no way in hell. We talk about not making waves? They're tsunamis!", she said and gestured to Wednesday: "this one always acts like a maniac and I'm pretty sure this one...", she gestured to Y/n "is a maniac."
"appreciate the compliment, Bianca.", Y/n told the girl, but Xavier's grip on her shoulder tightened a little. 
"just because we beat you at your own game?", Wednesday asked. "let me save you the trouble. We're not interested in joining."
"you guys are seriously turning us down?", a member asked. 
"can you believe it?", Wednesday mocked the girl sarcastically. 

Bianca sighed: "untie them."
Y/n let her ropes fall to the ground: "we freed ourselves five minutes ago."
She stood up, took the paper out of Xavier's hand and walked over towards the exit, Wednesday right behind her. 
The merman from the Poe Cup got in the way, to keep them from getting away, but Y/n just said: "Do you want a matching black eye?"
He scaredly stepped out of the way and the girls stomped up the stairs.
Xavier scoffed annoyedly. That girl was making him crazy. 
Before disappearing, Y/n said grumpily: "it's amateurs like you, who give kidnapping a bad name."


Wednesday and  Y/n sat at the desk with Thing, reading the book where Rowan's mother had painted her picture in. 

"there are so many threads to our investigation, we could weave a burial shroud.", Wednesday commented sassily, looking at all the different pages. 
"We should figure out how Rowan rose from the dead and why that monster is prowling the woods."
Wednesday took the half of the picture that had been ripped out and put it next to the other half, so that it was whole. 
One could see a dark figure, that seemed to be a pilgrim and the twins standing in front of the quad, the school was on fire. 
"right now, we need to concentrate on this book.", Wednesday said.

"If we're going to be responsible for Nevermore's demise, the question is... why are we sharing this problem with a pilgrim?"


847 words.
This one's shorter, but I love the scene. I just find the whole 'it's amateurs like you who give kidnapping a bad name' so funny and adorable ;) 
Hope you liked it too <3

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