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Elsa watched Y/N. Could see her starting to tremble as she regarded who she now knew as Anto. A prince from the Southern Isles. 

Seeming to steel herself, Y/N looked up at the man again. "You know not of what you speak, there is no magic wielder with that much power here in Galway." She stated firmly not taking her strong E/C eyes off the man.

The only response she received though was a taunting chuckle that made a shiver run up Elsa's spine. What was going on? She kept Anna firmly hidden behind her back. What is with coronations always getting wrecked by these people?!

"What is so funny?" One of the dignitaries hesitantly spoke up while all Y?N did was stare at the man.

Anto smirked before moving closer to Y/N a step.  "Take off the gloves then".

Y/N stiffened and Elsa could see how her eyes widened before she steeled herself again. 

"I'm sorry but that seems highly inappropriate-" She was cut off

"CUT IT AND TAKE THEM OFF!!" Anto yelled. 

Y/N visibly flinched before angrily regarding the man in front of her. She quickly glanced at Elsa who had a questioning look along with concern bordering her eyes before glancing to her gloved hands. Slowly but surely Y/N removed her hands from the gloves dropping them onto the floor.

"There. Happy? No magic" She said holding her hands up for Anto to see. 

Anto chucked again. "Oh we aren't done your majesty.." He beckoned a servant forward with an..unlit torch? Why would he have that? Carefully and clearly shaking the servant approached the queen of galway, upon reaching her he held out the torch to her and Anto spoke again. 

"touch it" was all he said. 

Y/N scoffed before reaching forward and grabbing the torch from the servant.

Movement. Was there movement in the corner of her eye? Elsa ignored it though. Probably just a dignitary moving around. 

Watching the torch..nothing happened. Y/n threw it on the ground after holding it for a few minutes. 

"There you go are you happy now?!" It was clear these games were angering the queen. 

"Oh I am quite pleased...grab her boys." he said and that made Elsa think for a minute before whipping around to see two men grab Y/N by her arms. Chaos erupted.

"What- Let me go!" Y/N yelled as she struggled. Dignitaries were running every which way. Elsa tried to run forward to reach the queen only to be pulled back by Anna who looked at her sister in fear.

"Anna?! We have to help her!" Elsa said but Anna looked afraid 

"Elsa if you try to help they will take you too!! Then what?!" Anna yelled.

Elsa stared at her sister, what could she do that wouldn't get them both taken...

She didn't have time to think too much though because..was the ground shaking? Why was it all of a sudden so hot in here. Wait...

Elsa whipped her head back around to see Y/N still struggling but something seemed off her hands were clenched and shaking.. she was sweating?

"I said..." Her voice was loud. "LET ME GO!!!" boom. 

The guards holding her bursted into flames, screaming in agony as they burned.


Elsa only could stare in shock. 

More guards advanced on the queen. too many.. panic was visible on Y/N's face as she looked at the other two guards not paying attention and once another grabbed her, her magic lashed out creating a large fire circle. 

"Everyone behold..your precious Queen of Galway.. a monster.." he said. "Happy coronation, see you on the battlefields..if anyone even wants to fight for you now.." 

Elsa looked around, everyone looked petrified. They were trying everything they could to get away from the still increasing heat of the flames. Her eyes then averted to the middle of the fire circle. What she saw broke her heart.

Y/N..curled up in a ball crying and staring at her hands. She knew that feeling because that is how she felt at her own coronation.. however.. she could see the laboured panicked breaths escaping the queens mouth.. she had to get to her. 

Taking a deep breath Elsa used some of her power to sooth some flames enough to step into the circle with the queen. 

"Elsa?!" Anna cried out "What are you doing?!' But she was ultimately ignored.

Elsa slowly approached the queen who hadn't noticed her entrance into the circle just yet her magic on the ready just in case. 

"Y/N?" her voice was soft as she reached out carefully to the girl.

She watched as the queen flinched before whipping her head up to look at Elsa. 

"E-Elsa.. I-" 

"Shhhh I know.. it's okay." she said softly

"I don't know how to make it stop." The queen cried out "They're all scared and I can't stop it!" Her breathing picked up again and the flames got hotter making Elsa start sweating.

"Okay okay shh it's okay, y/n I need you to look at me." She kept her voice soft as if any other volume level would set the queen off more.

Y/N looked up at her with laboured breathing a teary eyes.

"There you are pretty" Elsa said softly "I need you to breathe, the more you panic the hotter the flames get love"

"I-I can't" Y/N cried and Elsa bit her lip before getting an idea.

"Y/N honey can I come closer? Can I come hold you?"

"What? Elsa I'll hurt you!" She yelled her eyes wide in fear.

"No no you won't.." she said and slowly came closer to the queen, hoping that what would happen next would calm the queen down. 

Using her magic, Elsa wrapped her arms around the queen and spread her magic out cooling down Y/N herself and flames that littered the throne room. 

Y/N's breathing evened out almost looking dazed as elsa did her magic before she looked up at the ice queen "thank you..." she whispered before going limp in Elsa's arms.. exhausted.

"Anna." Elsa spoke.

"yes?" she heard come softly from where she knew her sister had been 

"get everybody out of the castle and get them to close the gates..." She said firmly.

"Okay.." Anna said and began ushering all of the guests out of the room sparing a glance at her sister who still sat in the middle of the floor holding the young Queen of Galway in her arms and lightly stroking her soft cheekbones. 

They were going to figure this all out, even if it was the last thing they did.

A.N: Hi!! Weirdly rushed chapter I know!! But I figured you all deserved something after I have been gone for ages. So if you are still here for this book. enjoy!!

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