Unforseen Incident

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It had been about a week since Elsa had seen the young queen and she had only heard quiet whispers about her whereabouts. Her sudden departure still confused the other young queen greatly, she found herself often getting lost in thought just trying to figure out what could've happened. So much so she jumped feeling a tap on her shoulder and whirled around only to be met by the familiar red hair and freckles of her sister. 

"Hello? Elsa you there? Have you been listening to anything I've said?" The younger giril asked tilting her head at her older sister. Similarly as she would do when they were kids and she didn't understand something. 

"Sorry Anna I was lost in thought" Elsa said with a sigh pressing her thumb and forefinger to the bridge of her nose. "What were you saying?"

Anna sighed dramatically. 

"I was saying that the Queen of Galway sent a servant to find you but found me and asked-"

she was interrupted as Elsa perked "The queen of Galway?" She seemed almost hopeful only to be met by Anna's unimpressed look. 

Mumbling a quick sorry Elsa urged her sister to continue.

"ANYWAYS, as I was saying, she sent for you to come meet her to discuss business in abouttttt..." Anna looked to the little clock within the room "now."

Elsa's eyes widened and she immediately bolted out the room towards what she knew was the throne room from the tour her and Anna had been taken upon their arrival. 


Right before she could burst through the throne room doors Elsa paused and fixed her gown before nodding to the guards to let her in to which they obliged and kindly opened the door. 

Walking in Elsa had to restrain herself from gasping as she saw Y/N sitting on her throne. The design made it look as though she was surrounded by fire and Elsa couldn't help be mesmerized by it. 

Y/N was currently speaking to some other dignitaries but once she caught Elsa's eye she smiled softly and quickly finished the conversation waiting for them to leave before beckoning Elsa forward. 

"Your majesty it is an honor to be in your presence" Elsa spoke politely giving her fellow royal a curtsy. She only looked up when she heard a giggle and heels hit the floor.

"Elsa, when it's just us you don;t have to be so formal" Y/N spoke walking towards her with a gentle smile. "I hope everything has been to your liking since you've arrived her in Galway." She said sweetly. 

Elsa nodded quickly. "Oh yes it has been wonderful. Your kingdom is very beautiful." She said looking up into the E/C eyes in front of her. 

"Thank you" Y/N said softly

After a couple seconds of silence Y/N cleared her throat. "Well I didn't call you here for nothing, I have some important business to discuss with you." She spoke seemingly anxious. 

"What is it?" Elsa was confused. From what she heard Galway was one of the strongest countries in the world, what could its queen possibly have to fear?

Y/N sighed. "Galway is going to war and I would like to ask you for your kingdoms help before my foes find you and ask for your assistance. And from what I've heard you've dealt with those from this country" She said 

Elsa raised an eyebrow "which country?"

Y/N looked her dead in the eyes. "The Southern Isles" 

Those three words made Elsa's eyes widen. " What do they need here, they must be fools thinking they can attack Galway" She said urgently. "What do they want?"

She watched as Y/N's eyes widened in response to the question and she anxiously took a step back gripping her hands together. "Um, that I can't tell you.." she mumbled. 

Elsa sighed. She didn't want to threaten Arendelles' relationship with Galway but she straightened her back a spoke firmly.

"I will not knowingly send my men into war without a warranting reason to do so." 

Y/N looked at her and opened her mouth to speak before shrill screams erupted from outside the throne room making her head shoot up as the doors bursted open revealing guards escorting in dignataries and Anna.

Elsa immediately ran over to her sister who saw Elsa and ran over quickly. "Elsa they're saying there are people from the Southern Aisles in the castle! What if they're coming for me cause of Hans?!" She fretted. 

Elsa didn't know what to say before she glanced over at Y/N who was fidgeting with her gloves and staring at the doors with slight panic. 

"Y/N?" Elsa asked and the girl glanced at her before the doors bursted open again making everyone stand back and far away as four men walked in holding a woman servant with a knife to her throat. 

"Where is she?! Where is the monster?! The beast?!" He yelled out. 

Elsa cringed. Maybe they weren't here for Anna..maybe they were here for her. She went to step forward in hopes no one would get heard but was grabbed making her whirl around to see Y/N who shook her head and stepped forward herself. 

"Anto." She said making the guy smirk.

"Ahh there she is.. the catch of the day." He said and she shook her head at him. 

"your king said you wouldn't be coming for the next 3 days to discuss the war declaration. He also said this wouldn't be done in front of my guests" She spoke.

Elsa looked at her. She looked so refined and unphased by what was happening within her own throne room.

The man began to speak. "Well you see, things change. Especially when the king found out there was a magic wielder, their family has a bad habit of running into those."

Y/N scoffed "a magic wielder? What Ludacris accusation is this?" she asked seemingly getting angered which only seemed to make the guy smirk more. 

"mmm yes a magic wielder one with enough power to kill thousands of men painfully with just one thought. Someone strong enough to hold it all in for 9 years just so her people wouldn't see it...someone responsible for the death of her own parents in the battle 13 years ago right before she was taken in and pronounced queen at aged 12. 

Elsa could visibly see Y/N take a step back and heard her mumbled a quiet what. 

And that's when it all began....

(Well I'm back Im sorry it took so long to update. Hopefully people haven't forgotten about this book! I have another book coming out and am hoping to be updating more regularly so please stay to check it out!)

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