Chapter 33

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"So what's the plan for tomorrow then?" Ally asked the other girls' excitedly. She was tapping her fingers lightly on the desk to her right, her body twisted in the chair so that she could see everyone in the assembled group properly. She was sat with Dinah, Lauren and Camila in home room on the Tuesday following the school dance, which, just so happened to also be the final week of classes before the Winter break. "I thought we were going to Lauren's house." Dinah replied, shifting position in her chair slightly, her back complaining at the awkward position she'd initially adopted for this conversation. "We are aren't we?" Lauren asked uncertainly. "At least, Ithought that we were." "We are," Camila confirmed, her hand resting in Lauren's lap under the desk, her girlfriend playing with her fingers reflexively out of habit. "Lo, I thought you said that we couldn't go to yours because

your parents were going to be there?" Ally asked confused. "No," Lauren replied frowning. "My parents are out tomorrow evening at my dad's company Christmas party." "We couldn't go to mine," Camila told Ally as she leant back in her chair a little and slumped down into a more comfortable position. "My parents are having friends over for dinner so the house is off limits." "Oh yeah," Ally said in realisation. "Now I remember." "What movies have we got for the Christmas movie marathon?" Dinah asked Lauren eagerly, looking forward to the festive themed evening. "If we aren't watching 'Elf' then I'm judging you, just so you know." She added as an afterthought. "Then I guess it's a good thing we've got Elf." Lauren commented, laughing. "I'm bringing 'Home Alone' and 'Miracle on 34 th Street'," Camila informed her friend a grin on her face. "Ilove those movies." "I've also got 'A Muppet's Christmas Carol,' 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas,' 'Love Actually,' 'The Santa Clause,' and 'Black Christmas,' Lauren listed for Dinah. "Black Christmas?" Ally asked surprised. "Lo, that's not exactly a feel good Christmas movie you know?" "Please," Lauren pleaded. "We never get to watch horror movies," she complained. "We watched horror movies over Halloween." Ally protested. "I remember because Camila spent the whole evening hidden beneath a blanket." "I was scared," Camila admitted. "I hate horror movies. There's too much blood and violence..." "Oh come on guys," Lauren groaned. "All I'm asking is to watch one non- traditional Christmas movie in the midst of all the others. You can

consider it your Christmas present to me if you like." tribulationschapter33 2/9 "I'm not watching a horror movie about a serial killer the week before Christmas," Ally grumbled. "I don't like them any more than Camila does." "I don't mind," Dinah said in Lauren's defence. "It's only one movie after all..." "Thank you," Lauren said gratefully, lifting her free hand up and gesturing towards Dinah emphatically. "Camila what do you think about it?" Ally asked looking for support. Camila glanced at Lauren who raised her eyebrow in anticipation of her girlfriends' response. "I'd prefer not to watch it," Camila said timidly, "but, Lauren always watches what we want to so, I guess one film won't hurt." She finished shrugging. "I can always hide under a blanket again..." "I'd prefer it if you just buried your face against my chest whilst we watched it instead," Lauren said squeezing Camila's hand and smiling brightly. "That way I can hug you close and protect you." "Aww..." Camila said, leaning over and kissing Lauren on the lips briefly. "That's really sweet." "If you really don't want to watch it Camz," Lauren said, relenting at the thought of forcing Camila to endure something which she didn't want to. "I guess I can watch it on my own another time." "Now I kind of want to watch it though," Camila replied pouting at Lauren who bent forward to kiss Camila lightly on the forehead, causing the smaller girl to smile brightly in response. "Let me ask you this Ally," Lauren said turning back towards her friend in front of her. "If we weren't

going to watch 'Black Christmas' then what other film would you want to watch instead?" Ally thought about it for a moment but could not come up with a suggestion despite her best efforts. "Dinah?" Lauren asked. "Hey, I'm happy with Black Christmas," Dinah said shrugging. "Camz," Lauren questioned, turning her attention back to her girlfriend. "'It's a Wonderful Life,'" Camila suggested thoughtfully. "Ilove that movie." She mused. "It's dark, yet uplifting. It's one of my favourite Christmas movies of all time." Lauren studied Camila for a moment, biting her bottom lip as she considered the recommendation. She was loathed to ever deny Camila anything that she wanted and she definitely couldn't argue that it wasn't a good movie. "Ok," Lauren finally conceded. "I'll drop 'Black Christmas' for 'It's a Wonderful Life.'" "Yes," Ally rejoiced. "You will not regret it. I'll get you a little extra gift in compensation for your sacrifice." "You don't have to do that..." Lauren replied seriously. "Wait a minute Lauren," Dinah said, putting her hand up to stop her midsentence. "Let's not be hasty here. What kind of gift are we talking?" she asked interestedly. "It'll be a surprise," Ally returned chuckling slightly. "Just remember that I am also losing out on seeing 'Black Christmas,'" she reminded her. "Surely I should get some compensation too." "I'll consider it," Ally replied. "That's all I ask," Dinah accepted. "So we're all exchanging gifts tomorrow?" Lauren asked glancing at Camila. "Yes," Ally confirmed. "I'm visiting my grandparents in Texas over the holidays," she informed her. "So I'll not be

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