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Hosuh is ten years old when he performs his first exorcism.

The lights are off in their makeshift chapel downstairs, and every blood candle is kindled, bathing the oak walls and columns red. Father is on his right with the book of words too long to comprehend; letters arranged in the wrong position. On his left is the pulpit, sacred runes etched into the wood. Everything is okay, because the sacred rites protect him. His God protects him.

There is a man strapped to their performing cathedra. His eyes bulge to the point Hosuh thinks they might pop right out of his head; explode to bits across the sacrifice cup set in front of him. Despite being glued to the chair with plentiful rubber ropes and silver chains, he still writhes and screams against his gag. The cathedra groans. The silver rattles. He makes so much noise.

"Look at it," Father clicks his tongue, voice so low it grates the nether. "So animalistic. What devils do to you..."

The chained man heaves. Up and down, up and down... His crazed breathing is almost human. The blood caked along the sides of his face says otherwise.

"Get me the blessing salts."

And Hosuh does.

It isn't so much performing than assisting, but it is his first time being here, staring upon such a creature. Exorcisms have always sounded personal to him. Such a humanoid face with such a humanoid expression, bare inches away from one's own as Latin rites are exchanged... Truly too intimate.

But watching the exorcism up close, he understands now. There is a sort of desperation to the man's eyes as Father speaks, and a sort of hardness in Father's eyes as the man screams into his gag. The two could not stand farther apart from each other, even when Father drives the hilt of his laguiole into the man's chest; even when Father twists and pulls; even when the man's eyes roll to the back of his head.

Father's fist comes out with a fluttering heart, still attached to the chest with slick vessels that drip wine.

"Get me the sacrifice cup."

And Hosuh does.

The sheep eat well that night.

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