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No one's pov
Soon after, morning came by, the birds chirped happily, Jin was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the rest of the members, Yoongi and Jimin were sleeping peacefully like sleeping beauties, Namjoon was in the study going over some paper works , J-hope was in the shower bathing and going over some dance moves at the same time, while  in Tae's and Jungkook's room, Tae had woken up to some shuffling in the room on opening his eyes, hee saw Jungkook breathing hard and trying to wear his shoes, ready to go to school.

Tae's pov
I woke up only to see Jungkook breathing hard and trying to wear his shoes ready to go to school.
"Kookie, you're going to school?" I ask to get a confirmation from him
"Cough cough cough" he coughed
" Morning hyung" he replied
"Yeah? you're sick for crying out loud!!" I exclaimed
"Cough cough" he coughed
"Am fine hyung " he tried to reassure me
"I can see that you're fine while coughing so hard while being fine " I rolled my eyes at Jungkook
"On a serious note Jungkook, you're looking really pale right now like I mean too too pale for my liking , you're even looking worse than Yoongi hyung"   I said in a matter of fact tone
"I know Tae you'll be on my side to support me right"
"Help me talk to Jin hyung for me please" Jungkook pleaded
"You know sometimes Jungkook, you need to know that am not only your friend, but your hyung too" I warned him lightly.
"Cough cough " he released another round of coughing fit
"Am sorry hyung" he apologized
"Now stop being sorry and take your meds before you get forced to take it by Namjoon hyung" I said to him.
I get his asthma kit and help him take his meds. Actually, Jungkook isn't really a fan of taking meds, if left alone he wouldn't take his meds so, Jin hyung put me in charge of jungkook's meds

"Open your mouth, I  need to make sure you're not hiding   any drugs in your mouth" I ordered to which he obeyed immediately.
"Good boy"I praised him shuffling his hair lightly.

"Jin's pov
Every member is present for breakfast except Tae and kookie after waiting for about 10 minutes, I decided to go and wake them up. I know that Jungkook was stressed out from his asthma attack but he needs to take his meds and have his breakfast so am waking them up.

On getting to the room I noticed I was locked so I knocked on the door, when Tae opened the door, I was shocked to see Jungkook already set for school.

"Kookie you already know that you aren't supposed to go to school today so why are you on your  school uniform?" I asked Jungkook who immediately coughed hard, it really hurts to see my kookie go through his asthma disease.

"Hyung I have a history test today and I can't afford to miss it please let me go to school today" Jungkook said giving me puppy eyes

"Nope and as for the test am going to phone your school and let them know about your absence" I explained to Jungkook

"Hyung please do not do this to me" Jungkook pleaded with me
"Nope no way I can't afford to do that" I said sternly

"And it should be me saying that "
"Kookie please do not do this to us your hyungs and to yourself" I said to Jungkook
"And Tae head download for breakfast"
"Hyung please I'll do that after I catch some sleep" Tae whined
"No now leave before I decide to give you the job of waking Yoongi up every day till I decide to stop" I threatened Tae . Immediately Tae got up after I said that he would wake Yoongi every day till I decided when he'll stop.
"Did Jungkook take his medicine?"I asked Tae before he dashed out of the room
"I made sure he took every of his morning meds" Tae blabbers before leading Jungkook out while running
"Careful and remember kookie isn't feeling his greatest now" I called after a running taehyung who was dragging kookie with him as he ran.

Yoongi's pov

Not long after Jin hyung went to fetch Tae and kookie, I saw a running taehyung who was dragging kookie with him and coming towards the dinning room.
"Do you want to make a death wish?"
I asked Tae who stopped running immediately he heard my voice
"Cough cough "kookie coughed
"We're sorry hyung " he apologized
"Why apologizing Tae needs to do that "
"He was clearly dragging you along with himself" I said
"Opsy! Am sorry hyung "Tae said laughing it off.
As Tae was still laughing, I noticed Jungkook lost his balance bit caught himself almost immediately, yeah that's one of the after effects of his asthma meds if he doesn't eat enough after taking them so I hurriedly went to help him sit on his chair which was between Tae's seat and my own seat.
After sitting down, I told Jungkook to make sure he finishes his breakfast in a stern voice just to make him a little more obedient and finish his food quickly so he can rest am sure Jin hyung had told him that he wasn't going to school today.
" Jungkook, take your time and make sure you finish your meal so you can get some energy" I said sternly to Jungkook
"Yes hyung"Jungkook replied.

Namjoon's pov

Jungkook didn't have much appetite so he couldn't finish his meal even though Yoongi hyung ordered him to.
So I lead him to the sitting room and make him sit down first so that he can have a proper air flow as that will decrease his chances of getting a second asthma attack in less than twenty four hours.
"Ok bunny we got to check your peak flow"  I said handing over the peak flow meter to use which he immediately blew air as hard as he could into the peak flow meter and handed it to me. Checking his peak flow I saw that Jungkook was in the yellow zone. In the peak flow meter, there are three zones the red zone signifying that the person needs urgent medical care, the yellow zone which signifies the person is in a risk to get a severe asthma attack nor go into the red zone that means the person is not safe, the green zone which means the person is safe and free from an asthma attack. So Jungkook was in yellow zone meaning we have to keep our eyes on him .
I had called Manager Nim the previous night so, we are free from any appointment or practice so we can take care of Jungkook.
I noticed that Jungkook was already dozing off while sitting down so I set him to lie down so he can rest a little bit because , his asthma meds messes with him kind of .

Word count 1170
Please feel free to correct me
Am sorry for any mistakes
Love you guys ❤️🧡💛💚💙🤎🖤🤍💜

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