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After Taehyung had put jungkook to sleep, he quickly showered and went downstairs to tell Jin hyung what had happened earlier to jungkook,

Yoongi's pov

I was in the sitting room when i overheared Tae telling Jin hyung that Jungkook had a mild asthma attack when we got back from practice. I know the kid wouldn't have told anyone what happened if tae hadn't caught him on time.
"In my opinion , i think we should ask him first if he is okay before taking any otheraction to see if he would open up to us" I said to Jin hyung and Tae.
Thankfully, they had agreed to my suggestion and ask jungkook to seeif he would open up to us at least it would be a part of teaching the young boy.

No one's pov

No long after, jungkook haf woken up . To be honest, he.wasn't feeling the greatest, but at least, he was feeling better than he was before the nap. He was thirsty and had a dry throat from the wkole use of his rescuse inhaler. So he stood up and made his way to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Jungkook you alright?, you look sort of pale right now."
Jin asked the lad when he entered into the kitchen.
" urh...." Jungkook mumbled trying to deciede wheather to tell the truth or not.

"Aish, kid you know we're your hyungs right?"
"And that you can tell us when you aren't feeling so well "
" You know that right?"
Jin hyung said gently to jungkook.

Jungkook's pov

" I kind of had a mild attack earlier in the bathroom today"
I replied hesitantly
" How do you feel now rate from one to ten with ten being the worst"
Yoongi hyung asked me
" Urhm...4" I replied to yoongi hyung
" You use your preventive inhaler before we head for dinner, then after dinner you can use your peak flow meter okay sweetheart?" Jin hyung said to me entering into full mother mode
We all head to the dininng table to eat dinner

No one's pov
The boys all eat in silence with occational stares directed towards the maknae of the group that made him not all that comfortable.
"Cough! Cough" Immidiately, all eyezs shifted to Jungkook
"Water?" Jimin asked
"Thanks" Jungkook mumbled, and collected the cup of warm water from Jimin, drinking the warm water as fast as he could
" Calm down, we do not want you choking" Taehyung said as he patted Jungkook's back gently.

Soon enough, the boys were done with dinner and since it was J-hope and Namjoojn's turn to do the dishes , they quickly did the dishes and went to join the rest of the boys in the sitting room.

J-hope's pov

Namjoon and i just finished doing the dishes, just then, i noticed Jungkook wasn't looking to comfortable, he was looking as though he was steuggling slightly to breath
"Jungkook?" I called softly making him turn to look at me
" Where is your inhaler?" I asked slightly panicking and catching the attantion of the others
"I just used it not long ago hyung" Jungkook replied me
"Here, use this so we know if you're on safe zone or not" Namjoon said helping Jungkook to use his peak flow meter.
"Cough! Cough!" Jungkook let out painful coughs.
"Easy there, " Yoongi sothes from behind jungkook
With Namjoon's help, Jungkook had blown air into the peak flow meter sending him into another coughing fit . I could see it in his eyes that he was in a lot of pain, poor kid, i wish i could do something to take away his asthma completely.

Namjoon's pov
As i take away the peak flow meter from Jungkook's mouth, He gets into another coughing fit to which Yoongi is patting his back gently. Then, i check the peak flow meter to see his reading , "Gosh! " I exclaim.
"What's the matter,?" Jin hyung asks me
"He's in yellow zone!" I announce .
Immeiately i made the announcement, everybody sprang up to get different things to help Jungkook ease his breathing.
Taehyung had gone to get Jungkook's nebulizer, Jhope had gone to get his asthma kit, Jimin had gone to get a pillow, Jin hyung had gone to get warm herbal tea, While Yoongi and I had remained to comfort the boy.
While everyone had returned with the item they went to get , I immediately set up Jungkook's nebulizer and placed the nuzzle of the nebulizer on his face accordingly. I got the oxygen checker and wore it on his index finger to make sure his oxygen percent wasn't lower than 95%.
After doing all that was necessary, I waited to observe the lad.

Jungkook's pov
I had began to have an asthma attack but my hyungs sprang up into action immediately, i could notice a littlr bit change but i still feel light headed.
" Does your chest hurt? Jin hyung asks me with worry written all over his face.
"It's painful " I cried, clenching my chest

Jin's pov

When i asked him if his chest was hurting, he started crying and crying was going to get matters worst.
"Aish, it's okay baby, don't cry so you won't get another attack okay?" I cooed the young boy.
" Hyung, I feel light headed" I heard the boy mumble before started closing his eyes.
"No try to stay awake " I said panicking
"Namjoon set up his nebulizer, his starting to lose conciousness!" I said to Namjoon and he.immediately did as i told him to do.
Not long afer that, Jungkook became fully alert and concious of his surroundings.
"Are you feeling sleepy?" I asked and the little boy nodded
"Do you feel like you need to visit the hospital right now?" I asked again and the boy shook his head
After a few minutes, the boy fell asleep in yoongi's arms.

Tae's pov
As Jungkook fell asleep in Yoongi hyung's arm i followed him as he went into our room to lay Jungkook down .After Yoongi hyung and my other hyungs give jungkook a good night kiss and soon my hyungs left me woth Jungkook instructing me to wake them up if anything should happen. After i cover Jungkook with his blanket, i slept off beside him.

Word count:; 1043 words
Pls you can give me suggestions in the comment section.
Am sorry if i made any mistakes.
Love you guys❤💓💕💖💗💙💚💜🖤💝

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