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"Guys here me out, Mile's birthday is next week, tell me, what should I give him?" Apo asked while we were inside my room.

"Tie yourself naked" Us said sarcastically while laying down watching a movie with Bas.

"I should never ask you" Apo roll his eyes to Us.

He looked at me with a smile.

"Let me ask my cousin, what do you think?" He looked at me with my brows raised.

"He have everything he want, po, he can buy anything and he have you already, so I don't think it is necessarily to give him present" I sat down and leaned my back on the bed.

"See? I am right, just tie yourself, that's the best gift for him" Us utter again and Apo throw him a pillow.

"Don't act like you don't used to do it" Bas also said joining Us to tease Apo.

"Shut up, you are not helping" Apo also said and was about to throw Bas a pillow, but Bas immediately pointed his broken arm.

Something came up in the past few days, I got to meet my nephew and neice. Barcode and I reunited, we're now fine but suddenly he can't join us hanging out together because of his two little angel. And this Bas, he got into accident the previous day meeting his old love.

[ A/N: the scene that doesn't include in this book will be in the sequel of K,K&M ]

We ended up teasing each other, Apo kept asking us what's the best thing he can give to his boyfriend, he still think that organising the birthday event isn't enough as a gift for Mile.

We all know Apo is a perfectionist person, he wants everything goes plans and wants everything to be perfect. But after losing Mile once in his life, he can't like that the way he does, all he wants now is to be happy and contented. But he can't just control his habit, at every time, it will eventually go out.


The next day I thought of buying a simple gift for Mile, just to have something to give him in his day.

At somehow I thought of tying up Apo and give him as a gift, but I did it before, and the reason why there are going strong now.

Thinking of that making me smile.

While walking inside the mall, a familiar store got my attention. I tilt my head to look at the store name and my lips automatically draw a smile.

Buildurluv boutique

Yes, it was the same store where I bought the gift I gave Nodtd when he was still alive.

A discrete of emotions mixed up with me, I felt happy yet longing for something. Seeing this store is just reminding me of the last time I got to talk to Nodted before he died, the last time I gave him my gift.

I shook my head and proceed in the inside.

I roamed my eyes until I saw a man  inside the counter, I walk towards him to ask what's the new item they released.

"Good afternoon, Hi can I ask what's the latest man accessories you released?" I ask the man who's facing back.

He turned around and my eyes widened as I noticed who is it.

Did I just forgot who was the nephew of the owner of this boutique?

"Bible" I act normal and smile like I didn't got surprised that he's Infront of me.

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