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It's been as week since Nodted left the country and fly to Germany. I came back to my daily routine as I woke up and get to work.

Today is kind of different, it seems quite and boring.

I woke up without Apo and Barcode in the house, even Jeff wasn't here to cook for us. It's not that I want him to be here all the time just to make us something to eat.

It's been a week too since the last time we eat together. I felt like something's up to them this past few days. Especially with Barcode, he seems to change and not in a mood since that dinner night with Nodted.

I just know that Mile and Apo were in good terms since they have returned back to eachother's life. But it's Ta and Code who I'm concern now, as we grew up together, I already know Code, I knew how him and Ta met and how their relationship grow, and I'm pretty sure too that it's not that healthy.

It's not that I'm downgrading my cousin's relationship with Ta, but I just felt like they are not happy together.

"You're dumbfounded there again" I get back into my senses as I felt someone talked behind me and flip my ears.

"Bible!" I yelled when I saw him behind me with his annoying face.

"Let's eat, my treat" He invite me, I also saw his car keys in his hand.

"It's always your treat, I won't pay for you" I said rolling my eyes and walked away passing him.

"So you're joining me?" He asked again and he started to walk behind me.

"No, you're joining me" I said without facing me.

I didn't hear any response, I was startled when he suddenly jumped on me and did headlock me, messed my hair up.

"Bible what the heck?! Stop!" I said trying to lose his grip around my neck.

Instead of freeing me, he did not do anything but to mess my hair more. When I had a chance to move my other hand, I immediately pinch his side.

"Ah!" He flinch and let go released me.

"You jerk! You're really not changing huh! You kept pestering me!" I yelled as he ran away from me.

I started to run and chase him. Our voices echoes at the quite hallway on ground floor with our loud yelling and cussing.

We're doing this for almost one week, he kept annoying me and I never hesitate to annoy him back, so we're ending the day with our loud bickering around the hallway, sometimes at the office.

My day is not a day without our fought and settled dynamics. At somehow we grew closer to each other as day came by.

It's like the past rewind.

The old me and Bible are back, with same energy and enthusiasm. But this time, it's different. I don't know what changed, but I know it's not how we fight before.

But the thing that never change, I still despise him and want him gone.

We're about to get inside Bible's car when someone pulled me back.

I turned to look and it was Jeff, I never see him this past few days, he didn't even care to call me nor update me.

"Jeff?" I faced him and blink twice.

"I'm sorry for being missing too long, let's go eat?" He asked and showed a bit of smile.

"Huh? Um... I-" I can't find the word to tell him, I'm going with Bible.

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