Chapter 1 : Work Takes Second Place

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"Jay?" A strange and unfamiliar voice had been repetitively echoing his name inside his mind for minutes.

The relentlessness of constantly disturbing him had apparently disrupted his good night's sleep once more while he was just trying his best to peacefully sleep in a comfy bed.

He would rather be tortured by the sound of a fork rubbing against a drinking glass.

"It's no use, isn't it?" He couldn't help but eventually surrender and open his exhausted brown eyes while slowly placing his right hand on the bangs above his forehead.

He let out a deep sigh, feeling annoyed.

Jay had the figure of a messy, medium-length, white-colored hairstyle boy, with slightly thicker brows and innocent eyes. He loved to completely cover up his forehead with bangs so he could get over those self-insecurities emanating from his broad forehead. Blanketed by patternless and yellowish sheets, he tiredly stared at the ceiling and sighed in despair.

It was Jay's first day in the manor.

He had been hearing this unpleasant voice calling him ever since the moment he stepped into the manor.

"Please tell me this is not witchcraft..." He involuntarily murmured to himself, then turned to the other side of his bed and began staring at the empty wall.

Jay saw nothing but emptiness. Yet, a crumpled paper piece beside his fluffy pillow caught his attention once more. He accidentally found it under his bed right after he moved into this room. There was a concerning sentence written on the paper, and a purple-colored crescent moon sign was drawn on it as well.

"Where did she even go? She can't just disappear out of thin air." It was what written on the paper.

Jay was then determined to look into this; he also wondered who wrote this. It could be his roommate. It shouldn't be his concern in the first place, but what if someone actually vanished in this manor without leaving any traces? His roommate didn't even tell him a single thing about this; perhaps he was new here. As someone who discovered it, he claimed it was a coincidence that was meant to be unfolded by someone; he would be the detective. 

Annoyed by being unable to sleep, Jay tossed in his bed from side to side and back and forth just to eventually hear his new roommate talking to him.

"It's literally the dead of the night. What are you doing?" She yawned and sat up straight on her bed while rubbing her sleepy eyes and asking Jay softly.

She asked him on the other side of the room.

"Did I just wake her up?!" Flashing through his mind, Jay widened his eyes and turned his back on her instantly as soon as he heard that, then grabbed the edge of the blanket tightly.

Gladly, at least the gasp didn't escape from his mouth.

Receiving no responses from Jay, she shrugged and continued with an annoyed voice.

"You do know I can hear you, don't you?" She then stared deadly at Jay.

"I... Uh... You know... Haha..." Jay could even feel the slight tremble in his voice and the narrowing of his brows.

He was afraid to speak with her; he wasn't good at dealing with strangers after all. And, it was his first time speaking to his new roommate, Alice.

Alice was a dignified girl who had long, straight black hair, natural hunter eyes with thin brows. She didn't have bangs to hide the so-called insecurities like Jay did though. However, she loved covering her left eye with hairs.

Hearing no responses from Jay again, Alice rolled her eyes and then decided to lie back in her bed and fully cover herself from head to toe with her beloved violet star-patterned blanket.

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