On her own

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Jessica looked at the dead hares, puzzled, until it dawned on her that Cerra had brought them for her as a gift, which made her believe that the big, beautiful cat had finally accepted her as a member of her family, which made her smile, and then she looked at the cubs, who were literally drooling while looking at the hares but didn't dare to move a single paw, which made her chuckle.

She picked up the hare and the bone knife, took them near the washing space, and started cutting them.

She was inexperienced because she had never butchered any animal because you just don't need to if you can get everything from the supermarket, but she still tried, which was a big accomplishment for herself because it wasn't easy for her.

She recalled seeing Blaze, so she followed his action as she remembered, and surprisingly, she successfully removed its skin and innards.

It took her nearly half an hour just to cut those small preys because her hands kept trembling at first, and when she made up her mind to be strong, her bone knife started to slip from her hands because it wasn't as sharp as the modern knives she was used to using, but she completed the entire task just like Blaze, except she got herself covered in blood and her hands and even her face had traces of the blood because she unconsciously upraised her hair.

When Cerra came toward Jessica and licked the blood from her cheeks, then started licking her hands, Jessica was surprised but then scared because it was blood that Cerra was licking; after all, she was a tigress. This thought made Jessica's body stiffen instantly, and she didn't dare to move.

Maybe Cerra sensed her worry, which made her halt and look at her face.
Cerra made another lick on her face, nudged against her face, and again went to sit at the entrance to guard, Jessica couldn't help but look at her with admiration because she could easily tell that Cerra was already treating her like family, whereas she couldn't let go of the idea of Cerra attacking her, which made her feel guilty.

Then she looked at the cubs who were sitting behind her, peaking at the raw meat in her hand intently, which made her smile, and she put half of the raw meat in a tray and called the three cubs, "Cutie pies, come fast and you can have this," and surprisingly, they came on her command and started eating the raw meat she offered. Jessica rubbed their small, soft heads as they ate very cutely, then went toward the big stone basin filled with water to wash herself clean.
Thankfully she removed her fur jacket earlier, or else it would have gotten stained too.

She dried herself with a fur towel and then went inside the room to change her clothes. She tried on the clothes that Levi had made, and surprisingly, it turned out that the dress material was so light and stretchable that it was very comfortable to wear. After changing into shorts and a crop top, she washed the blood stains and spread the clothes near the fire because it started to rain outside.

After she was done, she went toward the stone stove. In a big pot there was stew that Ell had cooked in the afternoon, which was covered with a wooden lid. She then went toward the wooden vegetable rack, which was filled with a variety of vegetables, some of which she couldn't identify.

She picked the ones that she knew and noticed that in a big covered stone bowl there was freshly cleaned and already cut meat that looked like it was from a boar because of the fat layer. She took everything she needed and sat down to cook something for herself. She took a flat, rectangular pan and decided to sear the meat after applying the simple seasoning she made after crushing fresh chillies with lime and salt.

Jessica did everything very skillfully, and when she placed the lean seasoned pieces on the hot slate, it started sizzling because of the fat, releasing a very fascinating tasting aroma that made all the cubs come running and get on her lap in curiosity. Jessica enclosed all of them with her one arm as she stopped them from burning themselves while she flipped the meat with her other hand using a wooden flat spatula.

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