Sideswipe × Female reader! (LEMON!)

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Requested by @AnitaFlorez747, hope you enjoy!

OMG! I am so sorry for waiting this long to do this! Life just got hectic asf and I had no time to write. But anyways, before I just unload everything on ya'll, I need to write this oneshot xD.

    You really didn't think that everyone on the team would ship you with the young, and quick red mech as they call Sideswipe. You really don't have any feelings for him -really- but he had a different opinion. He seemed to like you, but you could never tell. You both were about the same age. Close to the same height but you just so happen to be shorter than the flash of red light. Sideswipe isn't one to be serious, unlike you. You like to keep your cool, even in tough situations. Swipe, on the other servo, was a dramatic mess 24/7. He knew very well that ignorance was something you hated, more than anything else. He always uses that to his advantage, just to get your attention.

"Hey Y/N, what's 2+2?" The minorized mech asked you, trying to push your buttons.

"I'm not going to answer your stupid questions, Sideswipe. We're in the middle of a meeting. This is important, also." You told him. Letting him push your ever so easy to touch buttons.

"Yeahhhhh, right. This isn't important at all. The only thing happening is Bumblebee reading a map for us. Like it's that important, Ms. Seriousness." He really loves to called you, 'Ms.Seriousness,' you just guessed it was a stupid nickname like he gives the minicon Fixit, for example; 'Motor Mouth.'

"Y/N and Sideswipe, are you two even listening?" An annoyed Bumblebee asked, clearly upset.

You stood there, looking at Sideswipe, you're also clearly upset that he got you in trouble, "Yeah, I'm listening, it's just that this one is distracting me," you said, trying to stay calm; as to keep your cool.

    Bumblebee stood as if an angry god with an emotionless gaze, arms crossed like tied ropes. You were actually kinda scared of the lieutenant, even though he was a father figure for you. Sidespwie also stood straight, arms tucked to his thin side, acting as if he were an army man. You both kept quiet, basically jesturing the lieutenant to keep speaking.

"Whatever, just go do trust exercises or just some kind of exercise!" Bumblebee yelled in frustration, shooing everyone out of the scrap yard.

    Everyone ran out of the scrap yard, not to anger Bumblebee anymore than what he already was, and then fanned out like a gymnast doing flips in the air. The team soon  regrouped in the middle of the woods, pondering on what to do.

"Well, Lieutenant Bumblebee did say to do some exercises to sharpen our skills." Strongarm commented.

"Indeed he did, Strongarm." You agreed with the white and blue cadet.

"Ughhhh, why do we have to do exercises? They're boring!" Sideswipe said, practically complaining.

    "Not all exercises are boring, Sides. We could play tag? It could help with our faulty tracking skills and running capabilities." You suggested with a smile, hoping Sideswipe and the others will agree.

"That doesn't sound so bad!" Slipstream excitedly expressed.

"Yes, but I do not think playing a human children game will help us in any way." Drift said.

    "Oh, c'mon Master Drift, just because it is a human child game, doesn't mean we can't play! Like Y/N said, it could help us with our faulty tracking skills and running capabilities!" Jetstorm retorted.

Drift stood for a minute, thinking about the game, and soon replied, "Fine."

"Alright, who is it?" I asked.

"Me!" Sideswipe yelled, confident in his skills.

"Alright! Count to 30. Everyone else, go!" I said, running along with the others.

Sideswipe counted to 30, and soon yelled, "Ready or not, here I come!"

I hid in a cave, dark and somewhat shallow; moss covering the inside, water dripping from the ceiling here and there.

It wasn't much longer later until I heard Sideswipes voice, it echoed in the cave from the outside, smooth but shaky; an almost ghostly flow.

I heard a change in his pede-step sound, he must've entered the cave.

I stayed in the same hidden corner, almost invisible from the naked eye from the entrnace.

"I know someones in here, theres a pede-print in the mud here." He commented, seducing me out of my hiding spot. Even though this is just a simple game, it gets my spark racing when I'm so close to being found.

"Mh... wait, I recognize this pede-print... oh Y/N?~ I know your here.~" He said, his voice carrying the sound of the two words. It was like he was trying to imply something, like he wasn't just in the cave to find me...

"Well, well, well... I didn't think you'd be able to hide this good, dear Y/N." He had found me in my secret corner.

"Aw darn. Am I the first one found?" I asked him.

"Nope, you win. But, you don't just win victory, but my spark, my dear." What did he just say?

"Exqueeze you?!" I blushed clazily, feeling a small surge of pleasure rush up my spinal strut.

He crawled ontop of me, pulling my legs away from my port.

"Uhhhh- Si-Sideswipe?" I questioned him nervously, he started rubbing my cod-peice with two fingers, pressing hard but moving them up and down in slow strokes.

"Like that, Y/N?~" He asked.

I gave a small nod, not daring to look him in the optics. I couldn't believe I was letting him touch me like this, but as soon as  one thought of him thrusting in and out of me, my cod-peice slid open.

"Heh... took you long enough." He said, jerking himself off in the darkness with his left servo, before moving in to penetrate.

"Mhhh~ ah- Sideswipe~" I moaned as he slid it in, my virgin port choking his spike with a vice grip.

He began to thrust, slow and steady at first, but went faster as time passed.

Sideswipe pulled himself out, and somehow managed to put me on my servos and stabilizers, pushing himself back in and thrusted harder than before, I was already a moaning mess, he knew if I moaned louder than I already was the rest of the team would find us and we would be toast, so he leaned over me and kissed me to muffle my moans and groans.

My moaning continued and we both inched closer and closer to our climaxes. As I got closer to my overload, my moans became shorter, and more hitched. Once Sideswipe had gotten closer he groaned more and louder, but he managed to keep his dermas closed.

I almost screamed as my overload crawled all over my body like a hoard of spiders, Sideswipe pulled out of me quickly and came on my spinal strut, his warm overload heating my back.

I sat on my aft, Sideswipe moving to sit beside me. "Heh, I was right in my fantasies. You really are a submissive one."

"Whatever. Your first time?" I asked him, trying to act annoyed when I was clearly happy I lost my virginity.

"Eh, no. I interfaced one time before, nothin much." Sideswipe said.

"Sideswipe? Y/N? You guys in here?" Bumblebee called inside the cave, but it was too late.

"Guy- ahem? Did what I think happened in here, happen?" Bumblebee asked.

"Uh-" I said, embarrassed to be exposed. I used my arm to cover my spinal strut.

"N-no?" Sideswipe said, retracting his spike and his cod-peice slid back in place.

He is just all trouble! Nothing else! Just the perfect mech to get in trouble with. But is he worth the time? Ohhhh yes.

                     (1307 words)

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