Lost a date...

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You sighed tiredly as you entered the elevator, you really hoped Wanda and Nat were already done with whatever you were doing, you really didn't feel like talking to anybody. Especially them right now.

Unfortunately, luck was not on your side because as soon as the elevator doors opened you saw them in the kitchen talking and decorating cookies. Neither of them seemed particularly happy but maybe you'd caught them when they were discussing something important.

You tried to sneak past them as best as you could but it was no use trying to sneak past The Black Widow.

"Y/n?" You looked up and gave them a pained smile, trying to focus on not crying.

Both of them looked over to the clock and then back over to you, Natasha immediately understood what happened. Wanda approached you and placed her hands on your cheeks, pulling your gaze down to hers

"What happened моя любовь?" Her eyes searched yours for the answer but all she found was sadness and unshed tears. She already knew she and Nat would find whoever did this to you and eliminate them.

"I got stood up" You croaked out. you contemplated coming up with an excuse but you knew they'd both see through it immediately.

"Oh дорогой, I'm sorry" She hated that you were hurt but she couldn't help the small bit of hope that she felt.

The two of them had begun losing hope the more they thought about the fact that you were out being treated to dinner by someone other than them.

Instead, you were probably standing outside of a restaurant by yourself, searching for her unworthy face in the crowd- or even worse, you were already seated at the table and the waiter kept coming over to ask you if you wanted more water. The thought made Wanda's heart burn with anger, she felt her powers begin to react but she forced herself to calm down so she could be there for you.

Wanda hugged her arms tightly around your torso, Nat walked from behind the kitchen island and joined the two of you, you let your head rest on her shoulder. Despite your disheartening situation, this was by far the best hug you'd ever had in your life. If there was one good thing that came out of you being stood up it was this.

No matter what you could always count on them, you guessed it was probably one of the reasons why you loved them.

You immediately tensed, hoping Wanda didn't hear that thought.

After a few minutes, you reluctantly pulled away from the hug, it was by far one of the hardest things you'd ever done in your life.

Warm hands rubbed soothingly up and down your arms, despite the immense comfort it brought you your heart still raced at the contact. Gods the things these women could do to you.

The things you wished they would do.

You shivered a bit, after standing out in the cold for so long your legs had started to get cold, and while you brought a sweater you weren't really expecting to be outside for long and New York weather is unpredictable.

You sighed dejectedly at the memory of waiting so eagerly for your date to arrive

"I just- she was so nice" The pair scowled at the mention of the woman who Natasha already planned on getting the address of. There was theft and other crimes they stopped and then there was hurting you, and hurting you was on another level "I was so excited to be...apart of something you know?" You looked at them like a kicked puppy and both of their hearts broke, you were one of the sweetest people they'd ever met. "Maybe I'm just destined for loneliness" For someone so insignificant as that woman to make you feel undesirable was unacceptable. You were incredibly desirable and both women were witnesses to that firsthand.

The sound of your watery laugh filled their ears "I mean who would want me?" Both of their heads snapped up at your words. How could you think that? You. The person who's been on their minds for so long. The person with the brightest smile and the warmest heart.

How could anyone not want you?

How could they not want you?

"Y/n." You looked up at Nat's soft yet firm voice "You are one of the most stunning women I've ever met, never let anyone make you think differently." Your heart skipped a beat, had The Natasha Romanoff just called you stunning? Has she seen herself?

"Дорогой you deserve so much more than someone like that" You smiled shyly at Wanda's words "See there's that beautiful smile"

Wanda noticed the goosebumps forming on your arms, whether it was from the cold or something else she couldn't really tell.

"Why don't you go change into some pj's and then come decorate some cookies with us if you're feeling up to it hmm?"

God that sounded like absolute heaven right now, You didn't trust your brain to speak after those compliments so you just nodded and headed to your room. Now your heart and mind were more confused than ever.

The entire time you were decorating you felt like Wanda and Nat were touching you a lot more than usual. It was probably just because they were comforting you right? Still, the way Nat came up behind you to grab something over your shoulder and brushed her front against your back, or the way Wanda kept placing her hands on your waist when she needed to get by you- their little touches made you melt and yearn for them even more. 

You imagined if it was like this all the time, them giving you a kiss on the cheek in the mornings as you all sleepily moved about the kitchen, or waking up to the sight of them every day, the sun's rays falling perfectly onto their delicate sleeping faces.

Now you all found yourself cuddled up on the couch watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, You'd settled comfortably in between them without argument this time, you were too tired to fight and something told you they needed it as much as you did. You tried to keep yourself awake as best as you could but the warm blanket and cozy environment made your body start going into shutdown mode.

Being around people that made you feel safe meant you were drifting off faster than you intended.

You fought hard to keep your eyes open but somewhere between The Isle of Misfit Toys and The search for Rudolph you fell asleep.

Your head dropped softly onto Wanda's shoulder and Nat frowned, she wished you'd fallen asleep on her shoulder.

Wanda smiled and wrapped her arm around you, pulling your blanket up slightly from where it had fallen off. Nat's frown was quickly wiped off of her face at the sight of you two. Her two favorite people all cuddled up together. She was totally going to tease Wanda about the blush that was spreading across her face later, but for now, she just scooted herself closer to the two of you and wrapped her arms around the both of you.

She didn't have to be a mind reader like her girlfriend to know they were both thinking the same thing; I wish it could be like this all the time.

(моя любовь-My love)

(дорогой- Darling)

Do you guys say Natasha Romanoff or Romanov because I keep seeing both but I don't know which is more accurate?

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